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"Nowhere in the Constitution is there an 'implied' power, as Commander in Chief, that gives the President power to take reasonable steps deemed necessary in the defense of the nation and its citizens during a time of war, especially eaves-dropping on conversations originating overseas between foreign terrorists and other entities on American soil."

"The right of a woman to have an abortion is expressly 'implied' in the Constitutional right to privacy. This Constitutional right to an abortion is sacrosanct, inviolate, and cannot be abridged, hindered, or banned outright."

Such is the Hypocrisy of the Left-- Only Liberals can rightly divide and interpret the Constitution. Only Liberals are gifted with enough insight to guide the plebeian masses into true Constitutional understanding. For Liberals are the only true guardians of individual and civil liberties.

Conservatives are nothing more than ignorant back-water inbreds, and as such, incapable of enlightened thought.


  1. Anonymous said...
    politics aside...God gave us free will as a a person uses it is between them and are not to put yourself in the place of judgement. Though I have never been in the position to concider abortion and would not! I imagine it is a decision that was very heartbreaking to begin with for many women.
    Anonymous said...
    I changed by blog location to a new server... it's now at

    (Just in case you want to update your blogroll)
    Anonymous said...
    Really, the true hypocrisy of the Left is that they DEMAND the right to do ANYTHING... so long as you are one of them.

    The Liberals have really trashed the Christian right in America... and they have done their utmost to take away that group's rights.

    All of the other religious people out there should pay close attention to that (such as my fellow liberal Jewish brethren).. we could very well be next on the Liberal's hit list.
    Anonymous said...
    Absolutely! How long before the Left goes,

    "Hmmmm, you know, that Jesus guy was a jew."

    Can you say, "Government sanctioned anti-Semitism"?

    The Left, with their perversion of the Establishment Clause, have made ALL faiths potential targets for vilification. Except Islam of course.

    You know, it occurred to me last night that by this and other nation's desire to censor it/themselves over this whole ridiculous Cartoon War, these self same nations have, in effect, submitted themselves to Islam.

    Truly Frightening. Ignorant savages have all but won this battle.
    Anonymous said...
    Tu S. Tin-- I have no doubt it is a very heartbreaking decision for many women. I also know from studies that a majority of women who choose abortion deeply regret that decision later...

    ...Politics aside, it's a personal decision. But how many decisions do we make each day/week/year that we come to regret? No one can see what will lies at the end of any given decision.
    Anonymous said...
    Not to mention the fact that the REAL victim of Abortion has absolutely no say in the matter.

    I completely support a woman's right to decide for herself whether or not to have a baby.

    But the time to make that decision is while her pants are on, before she is pregnant.

    Once she is pregnant, then we are no longer talking about what she does with her OWN body, but rather what she is allowed to do to the body of her un-born Baby.

    Politics aside, I believe that rational Americans have a duty to protect that child until it is able to make decisions for itself.

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