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1st Threshold: Conception
No choice possible for the conceived

1st Womb: Mother's Womb
No choice required
This is the unconscious womb. Unconscious in that awareness is absent and the only responsibility one has is to be born, and cross the...

2nd Threshold: Birth --
...initiating one into the conscious womb, and the choice each must then make.
The second threshold marks the beginning of a period of testing, during which one must make a choice: choose God/Christ & ergo, Life, or reject Him, His Son and receive as reward eternal death.

2nd Womb: The Conscious Womb; Earth's Womb --
This womb is "conscious" in that awareness is now present and a "Choice" is now required. To choose God, and thereby Life, or reject God and inherit destruction. The choice is what marks this threshold. This threshold is crossed at any time beyond the point of accountability or at physical death, which marks the...

3rd Threshold: Death --
...where no choice is now possible.

Parenthetical --
For those who, while within the 2nd Womb, chose God/Christ/Life, a new life is given within a...

3rd Womb: The Spiritual Womb, and is the womb of spiritual growth, and maturity, both of which are determined by effort, openness, and honesty. Not everyone matures or even grows at the same pace, or to the same extent. This is the 3rd Threshold: Unto Life, and is crossed only by a decision for Christ, and only if drawn by God Himself. This Threshold Unto Life can only be crossed by those who chose God/Christ & salvation. Those who choose otherwise never enter a 3rd Womb, but languish in darkness until the 3rd threshold is crossed at...

Death: & Consequently, the 2nd Death by Default --
And into the Realm of Eternity...

For the unbeliever this is the greatest of woes. Better that such a one had never been born, let alone conceived. Their eternal home is now Hell. Separated forever from the light & love of God, Where such who go there never die, despite the length of eternity, and despite the torment suffered.

For the believer, this threshold marks the end of their spiritual growth. They now await their perfected bodies at the resurrection. Those who have chosen God/Jesus/Life will dwell forever in the presence of God. There will be no pain, no 2nd death, no tears, nor sadness. Only perfect joy, perfect peace, perfect love, absent all the taint of human sin, i.e.; anger, jealousy, envy, spitefulness, resentment, selfishness. Everything in perfect harmony. And should anyone think heaven will be a boring place to live, don't you believe it! God only knows what He has in store for us. The universe is a very big place... a very empty space, and we've got all eternity to work and play therein.


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