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Free Speech, quite simply, is speech that should cost the speaker nothing in recompense, consequence or retaliation. And yet this is never the case. Free Speech is an animal on par with Unicorn's and Dragons. Simply put it doesn't exist.

Having said that, if Speech -- however free -- can be "Hate" speech, it can also be treasonous. And if Hate Speech is prosecuteable in a court of law, Treasonous speech certainly is as well.

The dilemma lies in what is deemed, or judged to be Hate or Treasonous Speech. Since few in this country think for themselves it is the media that decides what is and is not hate, or treason. Media decides what is acceptable and what is not, and who gets away with what. And since Media's motives are far from pure, Evil is allowed its day, and we, those few of us who actually think for ourselves, are all but powerless, as individuals, to right the many wrongs media insists we accept as rights. As though they alone are the rightful purveyors of moral judgement.

One mind alone can change nothing. But link a multitude of like minds and the world itself could cease its turning.


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