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I remember Miraboe. I remember the day she learned my purpose in the whole mad affair; that last deadly war with ThoseWhoSow. Of course, she wouldn't believe it. It was too fantastic, so beyond belief, and her gray eyes round as full moons in the cream sky of her skin.

I was knelt over the great body of SheWhoSows. At long last I was to get the code that would put an end to all my work. It was best to get codes from the living, of course, but that would not have been possible with this one.

She was so curious, my Miraboe. I had put the genap to the casing behind the Sowers eyes and punched through the exoderm and into its brain case.

Miraboe: What is that device? For the past nine terms you've been using that thing on every being we acquire. What does it do?

I: It is called a Genap...

Miraboe: A Genap? Genome mapper? (she was very perceptive. i think that is why i am so fond of her memory)

I: Yes.

Miraboe: And the star samples? The planetary samples? You've been mapping those as well?

I: Yes.

Miraboe: For what reason? It sounds too much like what TheyWhoSow do. (i remember i smiled at that. she was so close to finally knowing it all, and i knew she would not believe it)

I: For Freedom, Miraboe.

Miraboe: No such universe exists. (i could not help but laugh)

[Plate 1, lines 121-184]


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