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Plain & Simple

In an effort to be open-minded I've spent the last few days perusing democratic spin-blogs and news outlets. And almost without exception these "musings" are filled with slurs, hypocrisy, invective, and outright hatred of all things Bush specifically, and of Republican's in general. Admittedly I rant on occassion, as do the more credible of my IB, but not to this extent.

Which extent is that, you ask? To the extent that rational thought is thrown to the wind. After all, it's irrational to cling to a sinking raft [idea's that don't float, or are rapidly sinking] than reach out to that nice bouyant life-ring [idea's or facts that fly in the face of their accepted, "these just have to be true!!!" truths] a few feet away. I, and many like me can at least take a look through the "bent backed tulips" and find something compelling to alter my world view, but you won't find this, to even a marginal degree, on the Left. They are obsessed with hating, and blaming the Right. Plain & Simple.

As to hypocrisy. Why is it the Left can scream bloody murder about Republicans using 9-11 as a campaign tool, yet, even as I write, the Left has begun to use Katrina in like manner?


  1. Anonymous said...
    The Democrats have been miffed every since the Republicans took away their slaves.
    Anonymous said...
    That is so true... they lost 'em by decree thanks to Lincoln, and won them back, thanks to Welfare.
    Anonymous said...
    Chose to check out Lone Ranger. A new blog, and a very interesting post about Evil Republicans Absolutely Amazing!!!

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