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The Lovely Helen Thomas is at it again; pushing the Bush-bashing, America-hating, George Soros, MoveOn Michael Moore ideology for the lunatic fringe. Her latest article, "Dems Still Backing Senseless War," spews the usual gobbits of vomit and filth with predictable ease. Here are just a few of said tasty gobbits...

"What is the logic of Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., Joseph Biden, D-Del., and other so-called moderate Democrats still backing the unprovoked war in Iraq when they know they were sold a bill of goods?"

"I heard the same refrain during the dying days of the Vietnam War... I always thought the debacle in Vietnam and its aftermath had taught us a lesson. But apparently not."

"White House reporters have noted that in addressing military families, Bush is citing statistics on Americans killed in Iraq -- a figure now approaching the 2,000 mark. But the candid test will be when he notes the numbers of Iraqis who have been killed since the United States invaded their country."

Ms. Thomas' rhetoric, and manipulation of fact is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest, but it's to be expected from those whose philosophy includes the belief that America is most often the problem, not the solution. The liberal media has held sway over the American public for so long they still think they can feed us tripe and insist it's Prime Rib.

Here is my response to Ms. Thomas via email:

Ms. Thomas,

For all your obvious intelligence, why do you allow yourself to be whore'd out by your, and many of your colleagues, ideological bent? You are either one of two things... genuinely deluded, or a willing participant in lying to the American public. Whichever the case, you are an outstanding example of hypocrisy and bias, and for that I thank you. Many Americans can't think for themselves, but I'm confident the tide is changing, albeit slowly.




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