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Brilliant piece of one-sided journalism. But that's fair; it's the story Joe Wilson wanted to tell. It's the story Ed Bradley wanted to tell. It's the story CBS wanted to tell. Hell, it's even the story the CIA wanted to tell.

What happened to the "60 Minutes" of old? The one that never gave its subject a free ride?


  1. Anonymous said...
    Yes, one-sided, my thoughts exactly. Not one person arguing the other side. Nor even a mention that the people being interviewed may have alterior motives. Why didn't they ask Wilson about his Vanity Fair photo spread?

    If Valerie outing herself is dangerous to all of her previous colleagues, why was one of her "classmates" blabbing about being her classmate? Didn't he just put *his* former colleagues at risk?

    And the CIA lady who said "Oh no, now other countries might suspect Ambassador's wives are agents" came off like a total idiot. My wife busted out laughing during that part.

    Does she really believe that other countries have never considered the possibility that ambassadors and/or their relatives might be spies?

    Finally, why is the CIA rushing this storyline out this week? Why doesn't the CIA go on the record and publicly state and prove "Yes, this leak did great damage to our operations."

    Maybe because it didn't.
    Anonymous said...
    Perhaps the CIA is trying to salvage their War on the White House. They've had a bone up their butt over this President since 9/11.

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