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And their "Get out of Scrutiny by Media" Free card...

"Yellowcake, secret training of terrorists by the Iraqis, secret meetings in Europe, weapons of mass destruction was all manipulated, made up,"
--Sen Harry Reid

"I have come to the inescapable conclusion that the threat posed to America by Saddam's weapons of mass destruction is so serious that despite the risks -— and we should not minimize the risks -— we must authorize the president to take the necessary steps to deal with that threat,"
--Sen Rockefeller, October 2002

Even Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who Democrats applaud for indicting Libby, told the Sept. 11 commission that during his investigation of the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa, he found evidence that Al Qaeda and Iraq had been talking to one another.

Quoted from, Iraq Intel Rhetoric Escalating on Capitol Hill at

There's lots more here.


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