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On wiretapping, Bush isn't listening to the Constitution
--Edward M. Kennedy, Boston Globe,

Thusday, December 22, 2005

"The President is not above the law; he is not King George."

Really?! What an astute observation, Senator! Judging by your reference, and the Democratic aversion to continued Liberty and Freedom in America, one might think you and your ilk were Tories.

"...every phone and computer in America should now come with a warning label: Warning: the privacy of your communications can no longer be guaranteed, by order of President Bush."

Every child born in America should come with a label: Warning, the life and liberty of this child can no longer be guaranteed, thanks to spineless, Liberal Democrats, and the eventual overthrow of America by foreign entities which harbor extreme ill-will toward this nation.

"The president has the constitutional obligation to protect and defend the American people. That is obvious -- but he also took an oath of office, to ''preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." With his arrogant usurpation of power and refusal to follow well-established wiretapping laws, I believe that this president is not living up to that oath."

Wrong Senator. The President of the United States has, by oath, the obligation, and responsibility to defend the Constitution of the Untited States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic... Even if those enemies turn out to be Senators or Newspapers, or Reporters, or average citizens like me. The protection of the American People comes through protecting the Constitution. The President doesn't protect Americans, the Constitution does. I'm splitting hairs, I know.

"Yesterday the vice president cut short his trip to the Middle East to break the tie in a vote on an irresponsible budget proposal that will hurt America's families, yet he couldn't find the time to level with the American people and tell them exactly where the president has the authority to spy on them."

Chastising the Vice President for doing his Constitutional Duty? My, we've become quite the anarchist, haven't we?! As to where the president's authority lies... US CODE TITLE 50, CHAPTER 36, SUBCHAPTER I § 1802. You're a Senator for goodness sake! You should know this, or at least have enough integrity and honesty to recognize the truth.

"I hope the president doesn't continue to hide behind such transparent and irrelevant justifications. Congress has amended the 1978 FISA law over time, most recently with the passage of the PATRIOT Act -- and there is no reason to think we wouldn't do so again -- if we knew what the administration is doing."

The US CODE is "transparent and irrelevant"? Funny how the sole survivor of Chappaquiddick can be outraged over the president's so-called dissembling, and ignore his own storied past.* Furthermore, how can anyone reason that the Senate would amend the PATRIOT Act, when your leader, Senator Reid, crowed on national televion that "...we've killed the Patriot Act!" To applause, no less!! Democrats are not interested in protecting Americans, only in re-gaining power. You act like deposed kings struggling to take back what you feel is your rightful place, the Throne and Crown of American Government. Well, Mister Senator, America is not a monarchy; you and yours are not kings, and you have no right to power if you're not even willing to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. Oh, and get elected, of course!

"The president has failed to provide a sufficient legal basis for his actions; instead he and his Cabinet spent the week refusing to negotiate with Congress and opposing bipartisan efforts to extend the PATRIOT Act for three more months."

The president has "provided sufficient legal basis", and can't be held to account for your lack of honesty, integrity, and inabililty to recognize truth when its paraded in front of you. Furthermore, "extend" the PATRIOT Act for "3 more months"? Three months. Three? Just three? Will terrorists cease to desire America's utter destruction in under 3 months? You're insane!

"Think of the chilling effect on free speech and academic freedom when a government agent shows up at your home -- after you request a book from the library."

Think of the chilling effect on free speech and academic freedom when America falls into anarchy, when terrorists succeed in detonating multiple nuclear devices in multiple U.S. cities, destroying our infrastructure, government, economy, and ordered society. Think about the chilling effect on free speech and academic freedom when Washington DC ceases to be the seat of our government, the embodiment of the Constitution of the Untied States of America and becomes instead the seat of a radioactive wasteland. Is the goal of re-gaining power at any cost, to even pulling down an American president, worth the end of America as we know it? In truth, the Democratic Left, of which you are a part, is actively attempting a coup against the legitimate leader of this country. And as such, you're all traitors, deserving only a trial, and execution by public hanging.

Pull your head out of your ass!!! America needs you in the Senate, protecting America and its Citizens, not your own petty ambitions! Not hanging from a scaffold.

* If President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard is fair game; his DUI; his "supposed" drug use... So, then is Senator Kennedy's vacillation at Chappaquiddick... "Save the drowning woman trapped in 15 feet of water? Or save my political, possible future presidential asperations? Save a drowning girl, or call my lawyer? Save a life, or protect my ass?"

Bush's DUI didn't kill anyone. Ted Kennedy's, on the otherhand...

The irresponsible actions of the American Left, likewise, if left unchecked, will kill many more than the 2,100+ American troops in the War on Terror. Where's your sense of Decency? Where's your Honor? Where's your Patriotism?


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