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3 glasses of champagne past midnight, with an utter lack of ability to string more than a few thoughts of consequence together, I googled me, and came across a few comments I made on other blogs. Here's one of the better ones...

Found at the International House of Punditry

Original Post Date:
September 12th-ish

ELAshley said...

In reply to "Anonymous'" who wrote,

"Many historians will wonder how the American public was so wrong. How could they NOT see the signs? How did they NOT understand what was going on right in front of their face? How could they not learn the lessons of the last empire established on lies & fear?

"These will all seem so simple in hindsight but they obscure the picture right now. There are a few simple maxims everyone should think about when it comes to our current state of affairs in the American Empire - Principiis obsta & Finem respice, which translate to 'Resist the beginnings' and 'Consider the end.' "....

I could point to my own flashpoint; that point in our history where Liberalism began to fundamentally change our nation, perhaps irrevocably, but I would only be accused of being partisan. Let's look instead at a "flashpoint" no one can argue against, then let's think about 'Resist[ing] the Beginnings' & 'Consider the End'.

At the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which so bountifully acknowledges God, why didn't anyone resist? Perhaps it was because most colonists believed in God, and His divine purpose in giving each and every man [gender neutral] the freedoms of which many on the left today aren't particularly careful. And disturbingly careless of.

In comparison, consider where we are now. Has Liberalism advanced the ideal of America as put forth in our founding documents? [That's rhetoric for 'no']. If anything, the Left has sought to subvert the meaning of America, and has to a great extent, succeeded.

Separation of church and state? You won't find that in the Constitution, only that congress will neither establish a state religion nor forbid the free exercise thereof.

Abortion Rights? You won't find that in the Constitution either. The right of the minority to trump the will of the majority; nope, that's not there either. Transfering private property from one private citizen to another "private" citizen... not there.

This nation is where it is now because of the failure of the great liberal experiment began in our education system 30+ years ago. How many people in this nation are cultural illiterates? [Rhetoric for 'Quite a Few'] With no understanding of what America was meant to be, brainwashed instead to accept a bill of goods that amount to "America is Bad. We deserve terrorist attacks and natural disasters."

America is not a Democracy, it is a Republic. America was not intended in its founding to be a godless society. Go ahead, look at the beginning. Now look at where we are now and ask yourself, honestly, who is responsible for stripping our nation, our culture, and our society of the moral superiority it once owned? Hint: It wasn't Conservative Republicans.

In recent years, Liberalism has foisted upon us two particular evils: Multiculturalism, and Political Correctness. Evil, because they both marginalize/trivialize Truth. And, btw, Truth is neither Left nor Right, Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal. Truth is simply truth. I find it curious that the Left routinely finds truth a difficult pill to swallow.

Everyone should think, and think very hard, and very honestly, about where this nation is heading. It's not too late to turn it around. No one is so committed to darkness that they cannot turn again to the light.

Since I feel-- today, at least --like the glass is half-empty, I'm pessimistic about our prospects of turning this boat in time. But one thing I am adamant about is that each and every American needs to wake up, and learn to think for him/herself.

Simple Truth: Everything said, done or written, by anyone, is done with motive... with intent, be it good or ill. We cannot trust anything anyone says fully or blindly, because everything said, done and written is subjective. Question everything before you settle on what's true. Including this post.

Government schools would do well to return to the classical system of education known as the Trivium of Liberal Arts. [funny how the meaning of words change over time; Conservative... Liberal... Gay...]

Someone obviously got my ire up. I was pleased with that response then ( I do remember that much) and, not surprisingly, I'm still pleased.

I'm still working on my News Years poem -- a tradition of sorts, not that anyone's interested -- but I'll post it when it's to my satifaction. Goodnight all...

...Glass No. 4, coming up!

There are exactly 4 full flutes of Champagne in one bottle of Korbel, extra dry...


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