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Democratic Coup?

Now here's something I hadn't considered... never even crossed my mind: a Democratic coup.

"...I cannot strongly enough impress upon anyone reading this blog the importance of the upcoming elections. If the Democrats win, they will make every effort to Remove Bush and Cheney from power and conveniently install a Democrat House Speaker as President in a neat and clean little coup. Because they Dems, out of pure insane rage, feel that they are entitled to score an impeachment after having one scored against them.


"...I don't use the word "coup" lightly. Remember, these are the same people whose judges rewrite laws from the bench. These are the same people who favor terrorists' rights over yours. These are the same people who accused Bush of lying his way into Iraq. These are the same people who likened our soldiers to Nazis. These are the same people who were quick to try to understand what wrong we did to provoke 9/11, as opposed to reaching the very easy conclusion that it was a bunch of murderers who are part of an anti-civilization terrorist group that want to bring the world under the control of radical islamist beliefs. These are the same people who were aghast when Ronald Reagan challenged the Soviet Union as an "evil empire". These are people who are consistently on the wrong side of history and who consistently believe and act upon the belief that there is nothing great about America."
--Follow the link above to read it all

The world seems locked in the midst of a clash of cultures, while America seems locked in a clash of political ideologies. America is more concerned with who will win the next election; the next Senate, the next House, even the next White House. No one except us-- the ones who have to listen to our leaders' posturing, and the press' pontificating and egging the clash on --seem to be able to see the oncoming headlights. We understand, but can't for the life of us understand why our elected leaders can't see it as well. This isn't about Democrats or Republican's, it's about preserving our way of life from a culture that wants to see America burn, and burn big.

A commenter on another post believes we are the problem, that if only America would stop instigating the Muslims they'd leave us alone. History doesn't teach this... Muslim history doesn't teach this. And while our troops fight, shed blood, limbs, and lives for this nations safety, giving hope to a people who had slim to none before we decided to divest our fellow Americans of said life and limb on their behalf, our politicians squabble over who's gonna sit behind the wheel. Meanwhile the headlights loom larger.

Democrats seem focused on only one thing... Hatred of Republicans and hatred of Conservatives. Hatred of half of America. And they want to be our leaders? I don't think so.

LawJedi, at Liberty Files is right-- this upcoming election is very important. LawJedi is a blogger I highly recommend. It surprises me how few people [judging only by the almost complete lack of comments over at his place] visit his blog. This guy's insightful, intuitive... All the good things. Give him a read, he's worth your time.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Can you imagine Pulosi as president? Gawd!

    Thanks for the link, El.

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