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Democrats/Liberals call Republicans/Conservatives.....


Conservatives/Republicans call Liberals/Democrats.....


Now honestly, in a fair fight who would win?
Moonbats, those loveable leathery-winged bug-eaters lack opposable thumbs and therefore cannot operate the weaponry Neocons would use to blow those moonbats out of the sky. Neocon sounds so... militaristic, capable, deadly. Moonbats? Defenseless bug-eaters... no real threat at all except, perhaps, from rabies.

Someone on the other side of the fence needs to be canned. NeoCon's [New Conservatives]? Is that the best you could come up with?

It was probably the same committee that came up with the Democratic "Contract with America"

"...We're going to get bin Laden!"

Really? What... We should elect you guys because you promise to get a guy you're supposed to be trying to get right this very minute? Mental Giants! That's what you guys are. Mental Giants. We Neocons bow to your superior intellect!


  1. Anonymous said...
    "We're going to get bin Laden ... to enter the US illegally and do a job Americans won't do."

    I did get called a "reich-winger" - it has a certain, um, assonance. But it's mean-spirited. Moonbats, or my preference, barking moonbats, is almost lyrical.

    Did you notice? Osama bin Laden is an anagram for "Madonna is a lib." Rich.

    Anonymous said...
    Never knew "neocon" was meant as an insult- just short for neoconservative.

    OTOH, I kinda like the term moonbat.

    Here's Tom Tomorrow's take.
    Anonymous said...
    Neocon is not an insult. Just shorthand for neoconservative. But it doesn't mean "conservative" at all. It means "learned from '60s liberals how to use the government, but choose to use the government now to forward pro-business, anti-labor-women-poor-academic-social welfare-related causes." And that ain't conservative. That's "right wing" -- and *that's* neocon.
    Anonymous said...
    Well, yeah! But I had fun with the post nonetheless. Sometimes I do things here just for fun.

    However, whatever the *actual* meaning of Neocon, many on the Left still use it as a slur. We of course know better.
    Anonymous said...
    yeah them niocans is rilly bad to huh? i hat them 2 so mach!!!! them rite wingars!!! booooo!!!!

    Did you notice?

    "Erudite Redneck": Undirected reek. Redirected nuke. Dueced tinkerer. Decide truer, Ken. Tuckered denier. Intercede krude. Unerected, irked.

    Did you notice? "Osama bin laden": A lesbian nomad.

    Anonymous said...
    I like the Democrats plan. They are going to get bin Laden. has any of them said how?
    Anonymous said...
    Unless I'm completely mistaken, they intend to redouble their current efforts, which means, they'll try twice as hard to get George Bush. That alone will show bin Laden that the democrats mean business, and it just may put the fear of allah [intentionally lowercased] in him and his followers. All the U.S. will then have to do is set up a few strategically placed card tables along the Afghan/Pakistan border as surrender points.

    The offer?
    3 squares a day. Free prayer rug. New [untouched by infidels] Qur'an, air-conditioning, and closed-circuit TV. And permanent residency, at taxpayers expense, in the newly constructed "Fletcher Memorial Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings" -- Terrorist Wing.
    Anonymous said...
    At first I thought you simply had too much time on your hands... until you got to "A Lesbian Nomad". Now, I think it's probably the other way around.

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