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"The guest is sitting beside her, but what she's really doing is exuding this powerful message of 'You are a sinner, yes, you are, but you can also find salvation.' What I find intriguing about it is it's delivered with no religiosity at all, even though it has a powerful Baptist, democratic, enthusiastic tone...

It has to do with this deep American faith and yearning to be reborn. To start again."

--Jim Twitchell, Professor at the University of Florida
Self-described cultural anthropologist

I'm commenting on this for a couple of reasons. First, the station I work at airs Oprah every weekday at 4. And it is my belief that just as it is not good for children under 3 to watch television of any kind, it is not good for adults and/or free thinking people to watch too much Oprah. Sadly, I watch too much Oprah.

Secondly, Oprah has become very iconic, and has been lifted up far too high as media's defacto Paragon of "acceptable" Virtue. She may have been brought up in church as a wee lass, but she has strayed so far afield (as do the comments on any given post here at PFoM's) as to make her spiritual beliefs completely unrecognizable, as far as Christianity is concerned.

But don't let that last statement cause to you get all goggle-eyed with apoplectic incredulity... Oprah does a lot of good, and the rest of the world would do well to emulate her generosity. I simply believe far too many people wait with baited breath each afternoon for the next pearl of wisdom that slips past her lips.

From the Article:

"I live inside God's dream for me. I don't try to tell God what I'm supposed to do... God can dream a bigger dream for you than you can dream for yourself."
--Oprah Winfrey

"I think that if this were the equivalent of the Middle Ages and we were to fast-forward 1,200 years, scholars would definitely think that this Oprah person was a deity, if not a canonized being."
--Blogger Claire Zulkey

"I've said to a number of people — she's today's Billy Graham.... People who have no religion relate to her."
--Marcia Nelson
Author of "The Gospel According to Oprah"

"Our culture is changing, as churches are in decline and the bulk of a new generation is growing up outside of religion"
--Chris Altrock, Minister
Highland Street Church of Christ, Memphis
On the phenominon he refers to as, "The Church of Oprah"

If Oprah is a Christian you wouldn't know it by her speech. Her deeds perhaps, but not her speech. And last time I checked, good deeds don't earn anyone a pass to the penthouse. But it's not my place to question her position in regard to her status eternal. The Bible does say to "try the spirits and see if they be of God." And judging strictly by her public life she's certainly better than most, but again, that doesn't buy her any favors.

Listen to someone long enough, and you'll hear everything that person believes about faith, and God. So far, I haven't heard enough to say I'll be seeing her on the other side.

So I'm adding her to my prayer list.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    For years I have been telling my wife that Oprah is the most dangerous woman in America. She agrees and flips the channel over there!
    It beats just about anything I've seen!

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