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"...the National Guard have succeeded in forming an enormous shield protecting the American forces..."
TRANSLATION: The U.S. is training Iraqi security forces too well.

"By undertaking a media campaign against the resistance resulting in weakening its influence inside the country and presenting its work as harmful to the population rather than being beneficial to the population."
Our PsyOps program is working. Paying Iraqis to print stories favorable to the U.S.? Why wouldn't we do this? Because it's deceitful? We did it during WW2. We've done it during every other engagement of length. Why wouldn't we use such a valuable tool in Iraq? Isn't this the same kind of war the American media is currently waging here in the U.S.? A PsyOps campaign to weaken American resolve for the War on Terror? Has the Media been successful? Absolutely... As has our military counterpart in Iraq. At least according to Zarqawi.

"...tightening the resistance's financial outlets, restricting its moral options and by confiscating its ammunition and weapons."
We're stealing their money, their weapons, and their morale... And the resolve of many a resistance fighter.

"...creating a big division among the ranks of the resistance and jeopardizing its attack operations, it has weakened its influence and internal support of its elements, thus resulting in a decline of the resistance's assaults."
They can no longer trust their own rank and file members-- especially in light of Zarqawi's betrayal --resulting in a loss of "productivity"

"...taking advantage of the resistance's mistakes and magnifying them in order to misinform."
Awwwwwww. Poor Baby! We use your captured hard drives and communiques to take down even more "resistance" members than any one initial raid should allow.

"...infiltrate the ranks of the National Guard in order to spy on them for the purpose of weakening the ranks of the National Guard when necessary, and to be able to use their modern weapons."
Our weapons are superior.

"...despite the current bleak situation."
Men will always speak the truth when they believe no one else will hear, and this is a stunning admission. The "Cut-n-Runner" crowd have lost big time on this point alone. WE. ARE. WINNING

" embroil America in another war against another enemy is the answer that we find to be the most appropriate."
TRANSLATION: Our only real option is to distract the great Satan. We have no hope of winning otherwise. Let's get America to start a war with Iran! Yeah, that's the ticket!

"The possibility of acquiring new weapons from the Iranian side, either after the fall of Iran or during the battles... [and] entice Iran towards helping the resistance because of its need for its help"
TRANSLATION: America will kick Iran's backside, and how! We can then sneak in and help ourselves to weapons. Maybe even get the Iranians to give us some. They're already giving us IED's!

"...advertising that Iran has chemical and nuclear weapons and is threatening the west with these weapons... By executing exploding operations in the west and accusing Iran by planting Iranian Shi'a fingerprints and evidence."
And if all else fails we'll instigate the war ourselves and blame it on Iran! Another 9-11 style attack on U.S. soil will do the trick. Americans are nothing but trigger happy cowboys anyway...

And here's the game plan boys,

"...disseminat[e] bogus messages about confessions showing that Iran is in possession of weapons of mass destruction or that there are attempts by the Iranian intelligence to undertake terrorist operations in America and the west and against western interests."

"That'll do pig... errr... loyal jihadists. That'll do"
[That last sentence was an embellishment born of sarcasm]

If I seem a bit angry here, it's only because I am. I'm also sick and tired of hearing the idiots we've elected prince's and princesses-- to paraphrase Don Henley --say America cannot win, and is in fact losing. I'm tired of idiots calling our men murderers without allowing them their due process rights, and the presumption of innocence. I'm tired of the blatant hypocrisy, and feigned concern for America's future. If these idiots cared one iota about America's future, they'd demand we stay the course until the terrorists get tired of dying, vomit at the sight of blood, and simply give up. To win against this kind of foe, America needs to be relentless, remorseless, and incapable of being turned aside. quite simply, we must be implaccable.

Having said all that, perhaps we should consider why America is not mentioned, as being a world power, in the book of Revelation. If we believe the book was inspired of God, through the Holy Spirit, the reason cannot be because John knew nothing of the New World. The question I ask then is this:

Are the likes of Murtha, Kerry, Kennedy, etcetera, et al, the reason why America falls, and mightily... And Europe rises?


  1. Anonymous said...
    I thought we were one of the "young lions." Or is that in Daniel?

    Been a long time since I spent *any* time at all worrying about "End Times." I think it's all supersition and fear. There are hungry to pray for and feed, homeless to pray for and feed, and "neighbors" to pray for and "do unto."

    But feel free. Contrary to a suggestion made in this space yesterday, I do not *condemn* other individuals for their views. I think spending even a minute worrying about that kind of thing would be a waste of my own time. But your time is your own -- as much as it belongs to anyone. :-)
    Anonymous said...
    "young lions" could mean anything, but even so, they are not regarded as a major "anything" in terms of importance as far as end-time events are concerned.

    For myself, I have too little time to worry about anything, but my health, my finances, and my spiritual walk.

    Please don't confuse my fascination with end-time prophesy with worry... I have nothing to worry about in that regard.

    Personal Admission: Yesterday, while making a floral delivery to the hospital, I encountered two old men in the elevator, who, without the slightest hesitation announced they were Jehovahs Witnesses. I simply smiled but kept my peace. In my defense I was too busy to get into a discussion of cults, and true faith in God and Jesus, to speak up, but I don't think that made my Lord very pleased. I should have said, "I'm a Christian" and then let the conversation go where it would. But my Lord is a forgiving God, and He'll give me other opportunities.
    Anonymous said...
    You need to take a long look in the mirror, Rev! And take off your purple-lined bathrobe before you do it!
    Anonymous said...
    "Please don't confuse my fascination with end-time prophesy with worry... I have nothing to worry about in that regard."--EL

    Perfect response, EL!

    A few days this space--someone "prayed" that I would have peace.
    I wonder if that person has peace?
    Anonymous said...
    Bless you,
    Anonymous said...
    EL. I imagine if one were to comb through the Pentagon you might find a counterpart to this document that would give the impression that America is losing. It maight say something like.

    "There are more American causualties and injuries month to month than a year previously."

    "Projects for both Iraqi military and Iraqi infrastructure restoration are hampered by significant security costs."

    "Homeland support for the conflict continues to weaken. Many are unclear about what a final success scenario would be."

    Certainly there is a memo like that in the Pentagon. If it came to light, insurgents in Iraq would take great heart from such a document. It wouldn't mean anything though, because professional military analysts are trained to think in negatives. They write memos about problems the command structure is having. I wouldn't blow the importance of this Zarqawi memo out proportion.

    A final point I would like to make would be to say that I think the reason a lot of people are uncertain about this war is because they don't know why we are fghting. Are we fighting Al-qaida? Because Zarqawi wasn't really very close to al-qaida. He pretty much only adopted the name as a marketing stregy. Are we fighting against Islamic extremism? Then we'd do a lot better to be confronting Saudia Arabia. Or perhaps Indonesia. Are we fighting for Isreal and our allies in Europe? Then finding some proof that Saddam was a direct imminent threat to them would be a big plus. Are we fighting there so we'll be safer here? $360-Billion dollars spent there that could have been spent securing the country here. Are we fighting there so there won't be another 9-11 here? WAKE UP! There's been a 9-11 there! 2,500 Americans dead since the start of the war. Are we fighting for Iraqi freedom? 18,000 Iraqi's dead since the start of conflict.
    Anonymous said...
    18,000 Iraqi deaths sounds like a gross underestimate to me.
    Anonymous said...
    Sol, you're right after I typed it I doubted it myself I went and looked it up. The real nubmer is somewhere between 38,000-98,000. I had that confused with the number of US soldiers wounded.
    Anonymous said...
    Good Grief! I step away from the computer for a few hours and what do I find? 24 comment notifications!?!

    I'll respond when I have time. But judging from some of what I've read thus far, it'll take some time-- I've seen a few "diversions" that need to be addressed already.
    Anonymous said...
    "...I imagine if one were to comb through the Pentagon you might find a counterpart to this document."

    Irrelevant. The point is, al Qaeda in Iraq believes their own memo. They wrote it after all.

    As for 18,000 Iraqis dead since the start of the war, consider the number of Iraqi dead during the last 10 years of Saddam's Regime alone. Your accusation also carries with it the insinuation that we are responsible for all those deaths. Not true.

    When George W. Bush first verbalized his intention to fight a war on terror, he said, quite plainly, that it would be a long and difficult slog. No one said, or believed, the war would end with Afghanistan. But it was made quite clear that the U.S. would suffer losses. Larger losses, in fact, than have materialized.

    And let's not forget that Regime Change in Iraq was the official policy of the Clinton Administration... who did nothing more than wait for Saddam to comply with the terms of his surrender at the end of the 1st Gulf War. The Clinton administration provided gobs of rhetoric, but not a single step in the direction of implementing their official policy to oust Saddam Hussein. The policy was little more than a media ploy, and it worked. The media praised Clinton, and doted on every word of doom about the WMD's supposedly at Saddam's immediate disposal.

    But let Muslims savagely murder 3,000 men women and children early one morning in September, and suddenly Regime Change in Iraq is no longer on the table? All we're allowed to do is get the Taliban? Not so.

    The U.S. has to stay the course. 2,500 is only a fraction of the cost in lives we expected to pay in this war. Media has been a willing accomplice of the Jihadists from the beginning. To prove that, I need only point ot Dan Rather, Mary Mapes, Joe Wilson-- to name but a few --and the resulting media orgasm that hung on every word from their sainted lips.

    The fact is, the insurgency is losing. And losing big. They know it, and now we know it.

    You can't minimize that, no matter what you say.
    Anonymous said...
    "The U.S. has to stay the course. 2,500 is only a fraction of the cost in lives we expected to pay in this war."

    I remember the media quoting the figure of 10,000 during the invasion phase of the Iraqi phase of the war.

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