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Interlude No. 2

According to the road map the next stop on this detour should be "Historical and Archeological Proofs" but per the notes at the bottom of said map, "All Detours are subject to change." And it looks like this will be borne out in Part 8 of this theological detour. And I thought I'd take this time to explain why.

After a lot of thought the whole idea of presenting a list of historical and archeological proofs suddenly seemed overly daunting. The whole purpose of this particular topic was to document as many such proofs that the events and places of the Bible are in fact accurate... That they did in fact exist, or happen. I soon realized however that this would be a long undertaking and so I've chosen to not hold everything else up unnecessarily.

The "proofs" themselves are but footnotes of history anyway, and as such, I see no reason why they can't wait for the end, where they can be more aptly presented. As footnotes.

UPDATE: Wednesday, June 7 -- As far as 'Historical and Archeological Proof' goes, there's a 2-hour documentary due for release in the spring of '07 [Next year for those of you who haven't realized we're halfway through '06], titled "Exodus" Hopefully it will arrive at a local theater. If not, I'll have to wait till next summer or early fall to rent or purchase it. The write-up on this film is intriguing, and as such, worth the read. As to the validity of any evidence offered therein, I'll wait to see it before I comment on it. But it IS fodder for my footnotes.


Detour, Part 7 - Why God Felt the Need to Take on Mortal Flesh

Detour, Part 6 - Types and Antitypes
Detour, Part 5 - Jesus of Nazareth and Statistical Improbabilities
In Preparation for Detour, Part 5 - Exhibit B
In Preparation for Detour, Part 5 - Exhibit A
Detour, Part 4 - Comparing Translations to Established Christian Doctrines
Interlude No.1
Detour, Part 3 - Manuscripts, Translations, and "Why the KJV?"
Detour, Part 2 - The Nature and Limits of God... and why this is important
Detour, Parenthetical - "What Will Shortly Follow"
Detour, Part 1 - "Preamble"
Warning: Detour Ahead


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