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--Tyler Hicks, New York Times

This photo was lifted, cutely renamed, and posted without permission by me. What I found interesting, beyond the imagery, was the original headline... "U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis" right above the picture. However, judging by the picture the weapons we're sending are not very effective if the only damage they do is ecological-- To litter the landscape with leaflets.

In my previous post-- the one about someone else's post commenting on a post by the New York Times, the above photo is part and parcel of the NYT's article currently under scrutiny; as all New York Times articles of late deserve.

As for my recaptioning, manna was God's way of providing for the health and well-being of His people while wandering forty years in the desert. These leaflets are Israel's way of providing for the health and well-being of the 'Innocents of Lebanon' caught in the crossfire. That's my take, at least.

And here's the difference between Hezbollah and the Nation of Israel: Hezbollah hasn't bothered to drop a single leaflet to ask Israelis to move away from the killing fields.

What follows is a :rough translation: of the Israeli Leaflet, h/t to Blogging Beirut...

"To The Lebanese Residents

"The Israeli army will increase its actions in Lebanon against the continuing terrorist actions of Hizbullah to defend the citizens of the state of Israel.

"For the sake of your own safety, and in our wish not to harm any civilians that are not implicated, you must keep away from the locations where Hizbullah is present and acting against the state of Israel.


"Locations where missiles are fired in the direction of the state of Israel.

"Locations of Hizbullah's arsenals and military equipment.

"Hizbullah's centers south of Beirut and areas under its control in the south of Lebanon.

"Beirut's southern suburb, the center of terrorism.

"The Israeli defense army calls on the Lebanese residents and Lebanese army to refrain from aiding, either directly or indirectly, elements of Hizbullah. Anyone who does will be putting their life in danger.

"Know that the persistance of terrorism against the state of Israel is keeping you from a better future.

"The state of Israel"


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