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...When We Allow Others to Think For Us.

We know our own weaknesses and short-comings, so why do we insist on believing those we put above us are somehow incapable of the very same weaknesses with which we struggle each day; from putting their own self-interests above ours? Why do we insist government and media will never lie to us? For as sure as politicians wear ties and power suits, the only persons incapable of lying are those who either haven't yet been born, or are already dead and buried... Or cremated, as the case may be.

America is too busy seeking its own desires and pleasures to care about what's happening down the street, across town, in the next city, across the nation, or any where else in the world. America has become corpulent and criminally indifferent as to who or what entity rules her ultimate destiny, so long as her pleasures continue unabated. Americans great and small, for some unfathomable reason, happily swallow the lies they're spoon-fed; often by others with just as much food drying on their duplicitous chins.

And I can see no solution to this worsening cultural malaise. Ours is a nation that steadfastly refuses to accept any responsibility, personal or national, for the world we live in. And sadly, I can't imagine this nation, however abhorrent the taste of strained peas, setting aside its own self-indulgences to take back the reins of an America blithely racing toward societal oblivion.

We want peace, but we are unwilling to pay for it. We want riches, but we are unwilling to work for them. We want what we want, now, even if by means of an inevitable bankruptcy, we have to steal it. We fail to see in others what we know exists in ourselves. We can't call a man a terrorist, because we can't understand what he's had to suffer. We can't feed the world, because we're too busy shopping at Wal Mart and placing whatever spare change is in our pocket into the bright red kettle. We call out to God in need, and curse Him with the casual ease of a serial-killer. We could fix every problem in the world today except one, but we won't. To do that we would have to first fix what we are powerless to fix.

But we are good people. We deserve to be blessed. We have done so much already but in the end we can only do so much. We are the most caring and giving people on earth, but we will never heal the entire world. Give a man a fish and he'll eat one day, teach him to fish and he'll still go hungry when the rivers dry up. We're spreading hope to the hopeless, and the poor third-world peoples adore us for our generosity. We pardon murderers, and murder the innocent. We lie about who we are, and what we do, and we pat ourselves on the back for making the world believe. Subterfuge is become virtuous, and virtue a club in the hands of ignorant men.

And I'm beginning to ramble. I find it most telling that the Bible says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." And yet the world allows others to study for them. The world can't be bothered to learn anything for itself. I find it telling that the Bible says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." But we're happier with the 'Truth' the world gives us. Searching it out for ourselves... who has the time?


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