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  1. Anonymous said...
    My time is rather valuable to spend reading this sort of gobbledygook, but I did read the one about "Bush Hate" just so I could make a comment.

    Limbaugh is wrong.

    They reported that the Bush administration had a blow today. That is a fact. This program is very much King George's (as the judge intimated) and the ruling was a setback for Bush's sort of gov't.

    They mentioned "Bush's war on terror," and that is correct, too. The US was not pulling for Bush to begin this invasion of Iraq. The way that Bush is handling this war is HIS policy and does not have the support of a majority of the US.

    She could have said, "Bush's (and those who support Bush) war on terror," perhaps, but that's an awkward way to phrase a news report.

    There's no hate evidenced here because there is no hate of Bush. It is for the most part, a lie.

    There is hatred of Bush's policy and sometimes for some people, that spills over on the man (just as it would be hard to separate hatred for Castro's policies from hatred of Castro - IF you think Castro's policies are oppressive).

    Those who oppose Bush do so for the simple reason that we think his administration is dangerous and counter to the ideals of our great nation. Period.
    Anonymous said...
    There is no Bush hate?

    Brother, you're blind, deaf, and a host of other things as well.
    Anonymous said...
    Dan, you tryly do live in LA-LA Land.

    You know, a few miles from here up around th3e Buffalo River (America's first national River), there used to be a group squatting on Govt properety called the "Rainbow People".

    Dan....are you a "Rainbow Person"?


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