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Guilty Pleasures...

Yes, Eric indulges in guilty pleasures. The greatest of which is compelling (to me at least) television.

It's fall again. Which means season premieres and series premieres. Before I started working at a television station, I watched some TV but not near as much as I do now. Here then is a list of what Eric will be watching...

Smallville Season 6 (CW)-- Premiered last night. Clark escapes the phantom zone, and rips Zod from the body of Lex Luthor. The Fortress of Solitude is dead, and Jor El has gone silent. Awesome ep.

Heroes New (NBC)-- Very interesting despite the premise: people all over the world are beginning to discover they have developed "powers" akin to comic book characters... Teleportation, Mind Reading, Phyical Indestructability, Flying, Precognition... Thing is, none of them have any desire to wear spandex. It will probably get cancelled, but I intend to enjoy it for as long as NBC keeps it airing OR it loses it's edge.

Jericho New (CBS)-- As much a response to the current world climate as the sale of fallout shelters in the late 50's early 60's. And surprisingly instructive. Could this be a subliminal effort by CBS to teach every American who watches the in's and out's of surviving a nuclear holocaust? By the end of the second episode we the viewers know that Denver, Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Diego, and 3 other as-of-yet unrevealed cities have been obliterated.

Prison Break Season 2 (FOX)--Not as confining this season as last, pun intended. Despite the adult nature of the plot line, it is quite engrossing. NOT recommended for children, or anyone with tender sensibilities. Language and visual boundaries are pushed, but considering the subject matter, it's to be expected.

There are only three shows left to air this fall that are of interest to me...

Doctor Who Season 2 (SCIFI)-- The newest incarnation of the classic BBC series is due out this or next friday. The SciFi Channel carried season 1 this past spring, which ran after the season finished it's run in the UK. For anyone who love good Sci-Fi... GOOD, well written Sci-Fi-- with a wry twist of British humour --this one satisfies on numerous levels. It's not to be missed if you like Sci-Fi.

Lost Season 3 (ABC)-- The end of last season we saw Jack, Kate, and Sawyer captives of the mysterious "Others". Over the summer an online game/mystery was played, and the big reward at the end was the answer to just what Hurley's magic numbers relate, and how-- I won't bore you with it here, look it up for yourself. Surpisingly, the Other's let Hurley go back to the Oceanic camp. Jin and Sun are still on Desmond's yacht. Michael and Walt are heading away from the island on a real boat, the Hatch has imploded, and we have no clues at to the fates of Mr. Eko, Locke, and Desmond. And for the first time in the entire history of the series we have the perspective of someone NOT on the island, who additionally is NOT part of a flashback memory. In other words, someone from the REAL world, thereby killing the theory that the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 are really dead and suffering gruesome fates in purgatory. Very Cool Show!

Battlestar Galactica Season 3 (SCIFI)-- Now. If you love Sci-Fi and you're not watching this show, you're a pretender! You're not Gellin'. I used to say Babylon 5 was the best of Sci Fi until Farscape came on the scene. But now, we have the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica.

Despite the Sci-fi backdrop, this is a human drama, and is very much a product of the current world political climate. Honestly, from my perspective, there is not a better show on television right now. There is nothing hokey or cheesy about this show.

When we left the show last season, Dr. Gaius Baltar has won the Presidency, and with his first presidential decree has ordered the fleet to disband and begin settlement of a bleak earth-like planet deemed "safe" from Cylon detection as it sits in the middle of a nebula. Thing is, Baltar's Cylon love-interest, a pschologically and emotionally damaged Number 6 Copy, has used a nuclear device to commit suicide. Taking with her three vessels that we know of, reducing the human population from 49,000 to perhaps 30,000. One year later, thanks to the nuclear residue of the afore mentioned blast, the Cylon fleet manages to find the last human settlement, New Caprica, and occupies it. Humans are now the slaves of machines... And a resistence is building. It cranks back up next Friday. CAN'T WAIT!!!

Of course there is still a show that has yet to air, but we will have to wait a few months more for...

24 Season 6 (FOX) which ramps back up in January. Jack Bauer is now the prisoner of the Chinese, and it doesn't look good for Jack. Especially since China has a thriving human-organ industry going on. The harvesting of organs from convicted and executed criminals. Just how Jack Bauer gets out of this one without losing a liver or a kidney or two... Well, it's gonna be spectacular.

So, there's one of Eric's guilty pleasures. Nothing as mundane as drinking malt-liquor and smoking swisher sweets, but pleasurable nonetheless.

See, ER? A glimmer of light in an otherwise dreary blog.


  1. Anonymous said...


    About the only non-news I watch is "Monk" and one of C.S.I's, or whatever they're called. The new detective in thbe one that airs Friday nights is an Okie girl, so there's added interest.

    Oh, and old BW detective flicks, ancient sci-fi and old Westerns.

    And Star Trek and ST: NG.
    Anonymous said...
    What else is there to do when the weather gets colder and the days get shorter?

    Mine are
    Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy, The Survivor, any CSI or Law and Order, The Office, My Name is Earl and new this year is Studio 60.
    Anonymous said...
    I don't watch much TV. I'll admit to liking Lost. At least at first. I fear they have no great end in sight.

    I think it would have been better as a two season-long series. I have no desire to keep returning to watch it anymore, I just want the #(*%@! mysteries solved.

    What do you know about Hurley's numbers?
    Anonymous said...
    I like "Meerkat Manor" on Animal Planet, the Sci-Fi Channel originals "SG-1", "Battlestar Galactica" and "Stargate Atlantis", all of the "CSI's", "Criminal Minds", Grey's Anatomy", Speedvision's "Pinks",and "Two and a half men".

    I also like cartoons like "The Simpsons", "Southpark", and "Futurama".

    Right now I am watching "Green Acres" on TV Land.
    Anonymous said...
    Oh. I could watch TV Land forever.

    And correction: Not CSI. It's the Laws and Order that Dr. ER watches and I watch with her a lot.

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