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Unfit For Command

"I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone."

--Sen John F. Kerry

This type of irresponsible commentary is to be expected from the likes of Cindy Sheehan, who once said she'd like to go back in time to kill George W. Bush as a child, but this is a man who would have been president himself, if only he had won. This is a man who still has hopes for the Presidency. Okay, okay, he was on Bill Maher's HBO hack-show, and he was trying to be funny. Somehow, I can't see that as a legitimate excuse for treasonous statements.

Does anyone know if John Kerry had anything negative to say about the release of the film "Death of a President"? If so, How could he then, even jokingly, speak of killing the president?

Even if this 'man' hadn't denounced the film, to speak of killing the president, even jokingly, is irresponsible. Thirty years ago it would have been called treason. Statements like this disqualify, in my opinion, Kerry-- or anyone else for that matter --for the office of President of the United States. Sheehan we can brush off as a lunatic. Kerry statement is just criminal.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Thanks, John Kerry, for YET another example of exactly why you weren't elected president!

    Anonymous said...
    Uh, what part of the common phrase "kill two birds with one stone" is unclear?

    Give context, please. Because it sure looks like he was saying that if he had been elected president, he would have been sent to 1600 Penn Ave., where, as president, he would, by picking from a myriad of collosal screw-ups by the current president, have done better, thereby being able to say he had "killed the real bird with one stone."

    Ya know, ya don't have to make stuff up to make the Dems look bad. So don't.
    Anonymous said...

    Don't fool yourselves.

    john Kerry was defeated through clever manipulation of Electronic Voting Machines in Ohio, not because of the will of the People.

    His every utterance is sound and reasonable, and he would have made a FAR better President than "the Chimp", had it not been for those pesky "Swift Boat" veterans and the Republican's Dirty Tricks.

    Only one other President in History would have had a greater talent for taking every side of every issue.

    Kerry would have been the greatest President since Bill Clinton, if only he had won the election.

    That's exactly what America needs...

    A President who says exactly what everyone wants to hear, no matter what they want to hear.

    Never mind the issues...
    Anonymous said...
    And as for context, I watched the segment. His intent was clear enough to the audience who applauded his tongue-in-cheek quip. As did Bill Maher. You're the only one here making things up, like your fantasy explanation for Kerry's faux pas. Irrespective of intent, he made no effort to backtrack or say, 'just kidding folks'. He was getting off on being funny.

    Did his comment reach the level of treason? Not in today's climate. Was his statement treasonous? Stupid certainly, but again, by today's standard... not treasonous.

    Treason is reserved for the likes of Adam Gadahn,, and rightly so. The first charge of treason filed against an American citizen since WWII, despite the many acts of treason committed since that time.
    Anonymous said...
    "Give context, please. Because it sure looks like he was saying that if he had been elected president, he would have been sent to 1600 Penn Ave., where, as president, he would, by picking from a myriad of collosal screw-ups by the current president, have done better, thereby being able to say he had "killed the real bird with one stone."

    I just had to copy and paste this display of absolute bias so anyone reading this thread can be sure to see it on their second take.

    What a deluded shmuck.

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