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His mouth is almost as big as Rush Limbaugh's, but that hardly matters. I can name plenty of Big Mouth's on the other side of the political fence. Regardless, Neal Boortz's Nealz Nuze is my first stop every morning. I think he's crazy as hell sometimes, but his perspective is illuminating, and right on the money more often than not. Here are excerpts of what you're missing today...


OK ... all bets are off.

Don't get me wrong ... I still have this deep felt desire to see the Republican's get punished by the electorate in next week's midterm election ... but suddenly the stakes seem to be too high.

What turned the tide for me? John Kerry, that's what.....


You need to know that some Democrats and liberal journalists are starting to blame the blow-up over Kerry's comments on (what else?) talk radio! Or ... as the left loves to call it ... hate radio!........


Again .. .do I think that the Republicans have earned our continued permission to control both the House and the Senate in Washington? Not only no, but hell no. The best that can be said of the Republicans now is that they're not Democrats, though they seem to be trying to erase any differences as fast as they cam. Republicans in control for two more years --- spending and increasing the size of government --- is an acceptable outcome next week only because the alternative is so much worse.

This week I'm detailing some of the plans that the Democrats have for you and your bank accounts if and when they get the control that they think is their birthright.

Today I want to share with you another delicious little morsel the Democrats have waiting for you if they ever gain the political power they so ardently desire. It's called "imputed income." If you are a home owner, pay attention. This concerns your wallet and your bank account........


The Justice Department has announced that it is sending 800 observers to polling places in 65 cities in counties in 20 states next Tuesday. Their mission: to protect voting rights in troubled polling places. Huh? What on Earth are they talking about? This is the United States of America and this is 2006. What do they think this is...the third world?.......


Hillary Clinton gave a speech to the Council On Foreign Relations in which she blasted the Bush Administration's foreign policy and called for a more internationalist approach. The proper translation of that word means "hand things over to the United Nations." Boy, that always works, doesn't it? The U.N. has been such a roaring success...let's give them more power!........

Now, Boortz and I disagree tremendously on a couple of issues, but that's to be expected; would there be an exchange of new ideas if everyone believed the same things?

As usual, there's also a list of reading assignments.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I give up on politics.... makes my head hurt.
    Anonymous said...
    Well, of course the Republicans are trying to scare their base into voting. But here's a more realistic assessment of Democratic priorities if they take control.

    Sounds pretty damn good to me.
    Anonymous said...
    "This is the United States of America and this is 2006. What do they think this is...the third world?......."

    I can't tell if he's joking or not, but what many seem to fail to realize is that we simply do not trust those in power. We think the last two presidential elections were questionably "won."

    Bush began his administration by hiring at least two convicted felons - Abrams and Poindexter, who were convicted of lying to Congress! - which tells us that these are people who think lying is okay if they perceive the cause to be just.

    Knowing that and the many other questionable actions of this administration and its supporters, we (who never really trust Big Gov't - that used to be a conservative tenet, too), REALLY don't trust this group in power.

    We WANT the Carter Center or someone to monitor our elections. We want some proof that our system isn't totally rotten.
    Anonymous said...
    We simply do not trust...
    We think the last two presidential elections....

    You mean Liberals and Democrats [as though there was an ounce of difference between them].

    "...convicted of lying to Congress! - which tells us that these are people who think lying is okay if they perceive the cause to be just."

    Bill Clinton was convicted of lying to a Federal Grand Jury... A felony... for which he was impeached and disbarred in his home state of Arkansas. Compare that to a president who merely "hired" two convicted felons. And again with the inclusive pronouns... "us"! You really mean Liberals and Democrats.

    Jimmy Carter monitoring our elections? Like he did in Venezuela??? No thanks. Again... "WE want..." You mean Liberals and Democrats. The same people who oppose voter ID laws, as well as PRE-election registration, to reduce voter fraud. How else can Democrats win elections if they can't rely on illegals, felons, the vote early/vote often crowd, and the dead?

    If Democrats win the House, it won't be because of any coherent agenda being promoted by the Democratic party-- because one doesn't exist --it will be out of disgust of Republicans, not for love of Democrats. That's not a particularly solid endorsement of Democrats, now is it?

    Out of the last 7 presidential terms [including this current term] Democrats have held the White House for only 2 of those. Go back 10 terms, and Democrats have only held sway in the White House for 3. Why is it, if the Democratic/Liberal philosophy is so superior to the Republican/Conservative philosophy, that Democrats haven't been able to hold the White House more often? Less than 30% of the time!?
    Anonymous said...
    Because Republicans are masters of deception and are quick to take advantage of the gullible.
    Anonymous said...
    "Why is it, if the Democratic/Liberal philosophy is so superior to the Republican/Conservative philosophy, that Democrats haven't been able to hold the White House more often? Less than 30% of the time!?"

    What ER said.

    And also, who says I'm arguing for Democratic/liberal positions? As I've said in many places where you've been, I think I'm more conservative than Bush. And more liberal.

    Those terms are not especially useful. It is conservative to want to be fiscally responsible, to want small gov't, to not be militarily adventurous, to care about the poor, to be personally responsible and environmentally responsible and I can safely say that on each of these points, I'm MORE conservative than Bush.
    Anonymous said...
    Then you have a warped sense of Conservatism...
    Anonymous said...
    Oh really?

    Which of these traits do you not consider conservative:

    It is conservative to want to be fiscally responsible,

    to want small gov't,

    to not be militarily adventurous,

    to care about the poor,

    to be personally responsible

    and environmentally responsible

    Are you saying that those AREN'T conservative values? If so, then how are you defining conservatism (as these are popularly accepted conservative traits - if not realities)?
    Anonymous said...
    "I'm MORE conservative than Bush."

    Anonymous said...
    Good response, dude.

    I'll ask it another way: If I'm in favor of a smaller gov't than Bush, who is in favor of Big Gov't and who is not?

    If I'm in favor of more fiscally responsible rules and policies than Bush, who is more conservative?

    If I'm in favor of tending to God's creation and not allowing for rampant abuse - and certainly not placing the foxes in guard of the chickenhouse, who is more conservative?

    I'm in favor of more responsible and compassionate policies in regards to the poor than Bush is, who is more conservative?

    Are you saying that conservatives are against these ideals?
    Anonymous said...
    Hoo hoo. The only think conservative about George W. Bush is some of his rhetoric -- and it's all just more lies.

    I pity conscientious Christian conservatives in this country, those who have looked to GWB as any kind iof kindred spirit. Y'all have been as duped as thoroughly as were those of us who believed him when he said Iraq had/was ... (fill in the blank) ... in arguments for the war.

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