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Robert J. Thomas, a Welshman, was a colporteur working in China for the Scottish Bible Society. In the course of his work, he learned that the Korean language is based on Chinese and that, as a result, the Korean intellectuals could read Chinese. His main responsibility was toward the millions in China, of course. But the love of Christ for the Koreans constrained him, and he determined to push on to that country.

An American ship called the General Sherman was sailing to Pyongyang, a large city in the north. He boarded it. As the ship drew near to Pyongyang, however, a sharp fight broke out between the officers of the American ship and the Korean coast guard. The ship was burned in the conflict, and all the passengers were killed.

The death of Thomas was unusual, however. As the ship and the passengers were sinking, he struggled to reach the shore and staggered up out of the water his arms filled with books. They were Bibles. He thrust these into the hands of the Koreans who clubbed him to death. It was through such love that the gospel first came to Korea in the year 1886.

Before Pyongyang fell to the communists. But Christianity is not dead in North Korea, it is merely underground. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in NKorea in accordance with Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."


  1. Anonymous said...

    Years ago, one of my nephews, while in the Air Force in South Korea, found himself very lonely. Walking the sttreets of whichever city he was in, he heard familar refrains: the tune of a hymn he knew well! He followed the sound to its source and was floored -- and humbled -- not find the typical church-sanctuary he'd seen in his mind, but a congregation of South Koreans singing, in Korean, of course, the old hymns he rememembered from his youth. They welcomed him.

    He said it was some of the most genuine fellowship he'd ever enjoyed -- because without words to get in the way (since he didn't speak Korean and they didn't speak English) -- the Spirit was able to work. They were blessed by being able to minister to his loneliness. He was blessed by accepting their ministrations.
    Anonymous said...
    My pastor's wife is Korean and speaks little English, but that has never stopped her from being a blessing. Throughout the entire service you can hear hear saying, "Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, amen." She prays in Korean, sings in Korean, but that hardly matters. America's Cristians could learn a lot from their Korean brethren.

    What an inspiration!
    Anonymous said...
    What an awesome story; I'd never heard it before!

    Thanks, EL!

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