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...and it bears repeating.

...If Islam is incompatible with democracy, that's not a problem for Iraq, it's a problem for Belgium, you know, because Iraq until, you know, a few months back had no democracy to lose. They can easily adjust to the way it's always been.

For Belgium or for Denmark or for the Netherlands, they've got real democracies and they are likely to lose and as you see, I think that is really the issue here, that when these contradictions are pointed out, Europeans essentially refuse to acknowledge them. Yet at the same time they're making capitulations to the most naked form of political bullying --and that's when Islam is officially a minority of, you know, 10% or so. In those cities it's a lot higher already. What happens when it's 30%? I mean, this is a question they never, ever ask themselves...

There's more at her place, plus a link to the full interview of Mark Steyn by John Hawkins.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I have been wondering why they hate democracy so much and so have alot of them. Not all do, I've been searching Islamic fourms and there is a big difference in the answers given by teachers , so I guess it depends on who a person listens to. But the ones speaking against democracy give a distorted definition of the concept of individual rights, giving abortion laws and homosexuality rights as examples, they want the word of God to be the law of all. Wait? I've seen christians say the same thing... to bad everyones view of God is different .... which is also part of the freedom in democracy so I think it all boils down to is - a person wanting what they think is right to be forced on everyone through laws and sensorship ... The government acting AS God to make sure we are all being good and all doing the same thing. The flaw in that is you can not force morals through laws .... it creates a fear of government and socitey not God.
    Anonymous said...
    What's incompatible with democracy is fundamentalism -- whatever the religion -- if it seeks to impose its views, rules and mores on society at large.
    Anonymous said...
    What's incompatible with democracy is fundamentalism -- whatever the religion -- if it seeks to impose its views, rules and mores on society at large.>

    Christianity does not seek to IMPOSE their views, as other religions DO. In fact, Christians are guilty of acting like they are ashamed of the gospel too much of the time and that is part of what ails the world. We DO have the the Truth.
    Anonymous said...
    Kevronius does not have permission to defecate here. This blog is not his outhouse.

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