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It's not stranger than fiction, it's just another season of '24', and with that season the usual plethora of posts around the blogosphere about Jack Bauer... And Jack Bauer-isms. Don't know what a Bauerism is? Check out Brooke's post

While they're all funny, one I hadn't seen before is more than simply funny... it's actually true.

There have been no terrorist attacks in United States since Jack Bauer has appeared on television.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Jack Bauer, but it's still curiously true. Perhaps America DOES indeed have a Jack Bauer, whose name isn't actually Jack Bauer.

Last night when Fox announced during a commercial break that the first 4 episodes would be on sale the next morning with an extended preview of next weeks episode... well, I couldn't resist. I would never shell out 9 bucks and change at the theater for a two hour movie, but for the first 12 minutes of next weeks episode of '24'?

There was a lot of buzz this morning on Talk Radio about the last 5 minutes of last nights episode. Another frightening glimpse into what the enemy is on the verge of being capable of... Nuclear terrorism. Imagine that! Downtown Los Angeles a nuclear wasteland! What was Hollywood thinking!!???? Don't they realize that millions of people watch this show? Don't they realize that people actually believe the things they see on television? Aren't they the least bit worried that nuking Los Angeles, even in make-believe, is not the way to go if you want the nation to turn against the War on Terrorism?

Well, liberals have never been confused with brilliance... in MY book. So, to me, this comes as no surprise. But then it's just a television show. It's fiction. People will talk about it at the water cooler then move on with the rest of their work day. And they'll dwell on the great 'what if'. What if terrorists really could do this... What if Iran really does develop nukes and sells them to terrorists? What if?

What if.....!?

What was Hollywood thinking?


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