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Happy Birthday!!!

The European Union turned fifty today. Born March 25, 1957, who'da thunk she'd come this far-- especially with Berlin split plumb in two!

But it was inevitable that Europe would rise from the ashes of two world wars. It was inevitable that Europe would erase the divisions and reclaim what was once hers. It was inevitable that Europe would begin her year long celebration in Berlin, the reunification of which stands as a testament to the inevitability of a United Europe... the seedling of a revived Roman empire; under one flag, one governing council, one currency, and soon one military.

Did you know Europe ultimately wants the nations that were once Rome's to be part and parcel of the EU? Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria? All one day member states within the EU.

Europe has come this far because of incremental advances... slow and steady steps that, once implemented, are irrevocably set. How long before she ratifies her constitution? Very soon-- France and the Netherlands are the only real hold-outs, and their objections are fast crumbling.

How many of you know that most Israelis want to be part of the European Union? They see such a move as a boon for their economy, and granting greater stability to the State of Israel. And how many of you knew the EU wants to include Israel?

Well, Happy Birthday, Europe! You're still a work in progress, but you're almost to the finish line!


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