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"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq..."

--Senator Harry Reid, (D) Nevada

[What a loser... Claiming to support the troops, while bolstering the enemy.]

"I can't begin to imagine how our troops in the field, who are risking their lives every day, are going to react when they get back to base and hear that the Democrat leader of the United States Senate has declared the war is lost"

--Senator Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky


[No comments right now... I not done with this post, and I haven't had time to think on my own response... I'm posting only to raise your ire. Where you ultimately direct that ire will speak volumes to your patriotism or lack thereof...]

"So ... what is treason? Giving aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of war. Did Reid's comments give aid to the Islamic fascists trying to kill our soldiers? How can anyone not say that Harry Reid's words did just that? The only question then is whether, in the definition of treason, we can be said to be at war.

"This may be Reid's escape. For my part, he has not only given aid and comfort to the enemy, he has emboldened them. I feel certain that American men and women in Iraq will die as a result of Reid's words encouraging the people who want to kill them.


"Know this .... Democrats are absolutely invested in our defeat at the hands of the Islamic insurgents in Iraq. Good news in Iraq is bad news for the Democrat Party crowd. They watch the news every day looking eager for more stories of violence in Iraq aimed at innocents and our soldiers. The absence of those stories makes them sad. The presence of those stories lift their spirits.

"Never in the history of this country has a political party been so dedicated to our defeat in armed conflict."

--Neal Boortz, April 20, 2007

[More to follow when I find them... No time now...]


  1. Anonymous said...
    "As a person who is completely opposed to Bush’s politics and opposed the initial invasion this is really hard for me to say. But I’ll tell you a little secret that changed my mind. A secret that no politician in Washington wants the American people to know.

    The surge is working.

    Yep I said it, the doomed from the beginning, disaster in the making, complete catastrophe, surge is working." __1stLt. Rory Hanlin , Based currently in Kuwait and doing daily patrols in Iraq.

    I got this off his blog, "Duty, Honor, Country, which can be found, for now, on my blogroll. It probably won't stay there. His blog is obviously just for his friends and family to read. He doesn't read mine as far as I know.
    Anonymous said...
    "The surge is working."

    So, that's why they're extending it. Gotcha.
    Anonymous said...
    The question becomes - when did the Pentagon know that missions would have to be extended to 15 months to cover the surge?

    If they knew this would have to happen in January when Pres. Bush was pushing this idea, it seems to me, this is something they should have told the American people then.

    Remember when the administration announced North Korea had broken it's deal and was secretly enriching uranium. Well apparently we weren't so certain about that. It was bad intelligence. Now North Korea has definitely restarted their nuclear program, and has done underground testing.

    It's a pattern with this administration, to get the country into the deep end of the pool and then say, "oh yeah, I forgot to tell you..."
    Anonymous said...
    USA Today poll, March 5: Which comes closer to your view about the war in Iraq?
    --Definitely win: 11%.
    --Probably win: 17%.
    --Can win, but don't think will win: 20%
    --Do not think it can win: 46%

    CNN poll, March 13: Do you think the U.S. can win or cannot win the war in Iraq?
    --Can win: 46%
    --Cannot win: 46%

    Washington Post/ABC News poll, April 16: Will U.S. win or lose the war?
    --Lose: 51%
    --Win: 35%

    Rasmussen poll, April 16: Thirty-three percent (33%) of American voters believe that history will ultimately judge the U.S. mission in Iraq a success. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 50% of Likely Voters believe the mission will be deemed a failure.

    It can't be treason if Sen. Reid is only speaking what the American people are thinking.
    Anonymous said...
    Poor logic, ER... 'Extending' the surge (assuming it's actually being extended) does not necessarily imply the surge is 'failing'.

    Extension can imply a desire to reach for more, draw in more, achieve more... and more swiftly. It does not have to imply a strategy is not living up to expectation. It could mean the exact opposite. [Language is your trade, ER... don't limit your understanding of it]

    I can easily point to the recent up-"SURGE" in terrorist activity in the green-zone, and in Baghdad proper as recognition on the terrorist's part that their strategy is working-- America's resolve is weakening and her leaders believe the effort in Iraq is a failure. By Reid publically stating as much, in this day and age where even the enemy watches the nightly news, the terrorists know their strategy is working and so, they 'extend' the in-"SURGE"-ncy to hasten their victory.

    Which still makes Reid a traitor for giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. And emboldening them to kill more Americans... in increasingly spectacular ways. Reid has as much telegraphed the nations response to such attacks by declaring the US has lost, on international media. At this point there is little point in setting a timeline for withdrawal. The terrorists can see the blood in the water. Democrats and the media mouthpieces have bent over backward to defeat this nation. And to the extent that the insugency is ramping up for its final push to victory, thanks to Reid and friends... well... with leaders like Harry Reid who needs jihadi enemies?
    Anonymous said...
    "It can't be treason if Sen. Reid is only speaking what the American people are thinking"

    Treason is not defined by the vagaries of public opinion, it is defined by specific actions that undermine the nations national security and the welfare of its people, to include the troops on the front line.

    Furthermore... USA Today, CNN, Washington Post, ABC... !?! You're not an idiot BenT, so stop resorting to the rhetoric of idiots. Polls almost always reflect a desired result. And these outlets have no desire to report good news in Iraq. They have bent over backward these last four years to distort and lie outright about the facts in Iraq. They have painted so gloomy a picture it's no wonder much of the nation is tired of the war.

    I don't care WHO takes the poll... for the results to have ANY genuine value the questions must be genuinely unbiased... they cannot be loaded down with unqualified qualifiers designed to generate specific responses from respondents-- as most polls from the aforementioned commissioners of polls do.

    Allow me to reiterate...

    Treason is not defined by the vagaries of public opinion, it is defined by specific actions that undermine the nations national security and the welfare of its people, to include the troops on the front line. Senator Reid, among others, is Guilty... Guilty... Guilty... of Treason.
    Anonymous said...
    You mean like invading a country and then not sending enough troops to secure the peace? Does that harm the security of the nation? And while I'm asking questions I want to know what part of "Will U.S. win or lose the war?" is an unqualified qualifier? And a third question. Is there any conceivable universe where you admit that the fiasco in Iraq is a losing proposition? That we have overstayed our opportunity?
    Anonymous said...
    What idiocy from the so-called 'Fact-based' BenT!!!

    North Korea broke its deal under the Clinton Administration! Thank you Madeline Albright! Get your facts straight or I'll begin deleting any comment with 'fact-based' attached to your name.
    Anonymous said...
    BenT, hate to break this to you, but if you want to know what the polls actually mean you have to look at the internals and not what's printed above of the fold on USA Today.
    Anonymous said...
    This is the updated news the administration isn't trumpeting.

    Apparently North Korea bought a bunch of aluminum tubes. The CIA reported this in an assessment to the white house and the Bush administration took this to mean the worst possible scenario. They announced that North Korea was building a huge centrifuge plant and would be producing nukes by mid-decade. North Korea kicked out the IAEA and reopened its nuclear fuel rods. We broke off diplomatic contacts, and since then North Korea has begun underground testing of nukes.

    Now we find that the administration overstated that Nov. 2002 intelligence as much as they could. North Korea never had a large centrifuge program for enriching uranium. It was just scare blather from an administration that wanted to go to war in Iraq.
    Anonymous said...
    Here's a link to the USA poll. Here's the CNN poll. And here's the ABC/WaPo poll. Show me how these media agencies distorted the meaning of these questions. Don't make vague assertions of "unqualified qualifiers". Speak to specifics. If you have data that the broader US public feels differently show it. I can be swayed by facts if you have them.
    Anonymous said...
    Re, "a desire to reach for more, draw in more, achieve more... and more swiftly ..."

    And *that* describes this admninistration to a T. Just add: "without regard for the truth, for morality, or the future."

    The day "treason" becomes something that a patriot says in the face of the continued gamg-banging of the Constitution, the squandering of any claim to morality, let alone the mythical "moral high ground," and -- oh, forget it: The day "treason" is actually defined, outside the Loony Right, as *anything* anyone ever merely SAYS, is the day the so-called culture war shifts from cold threats and whispering in the alleys to a hot war in the middle of the street through the marketplace of ideas.

    I'll meet ya there.
    Anonymous said...
    Excuse me, but when the average man in the streets says, "we are losing this war" it carries much less weight with the international community than when a nationally known politician with access to the international news media says it, within hearing of the international media.

    The words of Harry Reid, whether true or not, are heard by our enemies and interpreted as a statement of weakness, which they can use to enbolden their operatives throughout the world, thereby showing America to be the "tiger without teeth" Osama bin-Laden has declared us to be.
    Anonymous said...
    Re, "whether true or not" -- truth is always a casualty of war. What's new is blogdom gives everyday people like Mark the ability to pull the trigger. It's the fact that he is a Senate leader that his words command attention.

    Impeach. Cheney. Now. Impeach. Bush. Next. And if the Dems DON'T do so, they'll lose in '08. The chickes---ts.
    Anonymous said...
    I agree that the Dems would make a huge mistake to not investigate Bush/Cheney and consider impeachment, but even if they don't, I have a hard time imaging them losing in '08.

    The Republicans have SO thoroughly turned off the great numbers of we, the people, that they'd have a hard time being elected dog catcher in Puppytown.
    Anonymous said...
    Never overestimate the American voter.
    Anonymous said...
    What the Democrats are doing is exactly what the Federalists did over the War of 1812. They are disloyal. Their hopes rest upon defeat.

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