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..::The Sad State of Public Education in America::..

Christians are no better than the soulless islamic butchers who behead, maim, and generally kill anyone who doesn't believe as they do-- even if they have to kill some of their own to do it! Anyone with a scintilla of common-sense can see that Christians routinely take hostages and kill innocent people; they storm schools, offices, and government buildings with high-powered rifles and suicide belts. They routinely assassinate public officials and government leaders... To say nothing of DEMONcrats, Catholics, Presbyterians, and Seventh Day Adventists. What hatemangers, these Christians! least that's what school 'officials' believe in Burlington, New Jersey. This is what passes for quality education in New Jersey? And to think these officials were surprised to discover students and members of the community were offended!

If only this were a single isolated case of idiocy on the part of Public Education, but sadly, it's not. Public Education is more along the lines of a Confederacy of Dunces, and the Blind leading the blind, with no remedy in sight.

...At least none that the Federal Government and Public Education are willing to take.

It puts in my mind the image of Dung Beetles rolling their load of crap-- like mythic Sisyphus --up the hill... pressing on in the face of futility however ridiculous they look doing it. Thank you Liberalism!

How utterly tragic!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Your title is wrong. This story doesn't illustrate failing standards in public education. It illustrates how careful public officials in America have to be. Would you or WorldNet Daily be decrying the situation if the "pretend" terrorists had been islamic? How about native americans, angry at the federal government? How about suicidal teenagers?

    The statistical fact is that christians in this country vastly outnumber other religious groups. And since the rate of emotional deviance is constant across all religious groups, it is in fact more likely that a school terrorist in this country would be nominally christian rather than any other religion. This does not refelect badly on christians, it just reflects badly on crazy people!
    Anonymous said...
    I knew before I looked at the link that this was another WND hatchet job.

    Dude, seriously. Find a reputable source.
    Anonymous said...
    But, what do you know! They actually appear to have gotten the details in this story correct!

    In this case, I'd suggest they could have done the same exercise without using a fictional violent Christian sect. Since they were making it fictional, it could just as easily have been a "violent group known as School Haters that doesn't believe in public education" - there was no reason that I can see for them to have "picked on" christians.

    Because I agree with you, Eric, that most Christians - by a vast majority - don't commit acts of violence. Just as most Muslims don't.
    Anonymous said...
    Still, you need a better reference than WND. That they actually got the details apparently correct this one time doesn't mean they're trustworthy - they're past "reporting" has disproved that.
    Anonymous said...
    Maybe Pelosi can stage such an exercise over there in Syria this week. I am sure her "dialogue" includes the same kind of attack on Christian values.
    Anonymous said...
    Sorry, Bent, the title is not wrong. So sorry you can't see why...



    You really need to pull your head out of your butt with the "WND is horrid" routine. Your dislike has nothing to do with whether WND is accurate or not, for if that were the case you'd call every other rag in America into question as equally horrid... but you don't. Your dislike is purely partisan.


    Bent & Dan-

    Now, as the other: the difference between being a Muslim and being a Christian has escaped you. Muslims are born to their faith... no choice. Squeezed from a Muslim vagina? Instant Muslim; wet, hungry, screaming and destined for hell unless they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Squeezed from a Christian vagina? Instant SINNER (from conception, actually); wet, hungry, screaming and destined for hell unless they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Muslims are 'muslim' from birth; that, and an accident of geography. Christians only become 'Christian' at a RE-birth, by personal choice.

    To assume just because a shooter is white, speaks and dresses American, or loves NASCAR, is not enough evidence to label him 'Christian'. Besides which, every incident on the nightly news of terrorist/insurgent attacks and the resultant death tolls, are the product of Muslims... not Christians. A man can call himself a member of such-n-such church, but that doesn't make him a Christian. A man can sit on the pew and pray in all the right places, using all the right words, paying his tithes with a joyful heart, and still not be a Christian. A man can grow up in a Christian home, the son of a pastor or missionaries, and attend church his entire life, right up to the last Sunday before his death, and still not be a Christian.

    But... Be born in Algeria to muslim parents and you are, by virtue of geography coupled with your parents heritage, and you sir are a Muslim.

    It is against Muslims this war is being waged. It was a muslim who beheaded Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, and numerous others. It was Muslims who hijacked 4 passenger jets on 9.11. But that's not the issue.

    What is at issue is the ignorance of 'school officials' in crafting their bigotry.
    Anonymous said...
    Your debating semantics. You may limit to Christians only those that
    1. have personally professed Christ and 2. believe the same strict view of the bible as you -- but the rest of society has a different take on who are Christians.

    You and ER debate this time and again. You accept over and over again that no one can know if anther is saved. You acknowledge that no one can know if another is a real Christian. So then there can be no proof of whether one is a christian or not.

    Society has no option but to accept each person's own declaration. So if masked gunmen invade a school saying they are Christians, well guess what? Society has to treat them as if they were Christians.

    I would also quibble with your assertion that only Muslims are born into their faith. All children are assumed to be members of their parents faith-group. Catholic babies are catholic, Jew babies are Jewish, and Baptist babies are baptists.

    The third assertion I would also quibble with. You have asserted in the past that America is a Christian nation. I don't agree, but you believe this. If this is the case then deaths directly caused by America are Christian kills, yes?

    Just out this week The Lancet study of deaths in Iraq was vindicated. The number is 650,000 deaths attributable to this conflict that America began. I'm gonna be generous and say that American directly only killed 10% of those numbers. That's still 65,000 Christian kills. So I guess you were right, "It is against Muslims this war is being waged." Christians are winning ... I guess.
    Anonymous said...
    Hmm - I think (and i hope you don't mind if I skip your graphic phrasing) that Jews are born (as predominantly and explicitly an ethnically-based faith), but I can't see that's any more true of Muslims than Christians, at least from a standpoint of doctrine. Baptism is preverbal in most sects rather than a matter of choice. It's true that many Muslim societies punish apostasy from a birth faith, but, of course, that's hardly unique to them. You just want sort of asymmetrical definition to justify bigotry. And of course your decision on what constitutes acceptable versus not acceptable violence in awfully self-serving - and hardly Chrisian at all, in any way I can see,
    Anonymous said...
    "Your dislike is purely partisan."

    Wrong. I have read - and pointed you to - more than one story on WND which was pure fantasy. The MSM - as biased (to the Right, usually) as it is - generally gets broad facts right. Their biases show up in small ways that are to be expected to some degree.

    But WND is NOT a news organization. It is a shrill voicebox for those of a particular slant. Which is fine. They can rant and do extremely biased stories all they want - more power to them.

    But they are not a serious news organization. Anyone who fails to see that is the one who needs to remove their thinkers from their stinkers.
    Anonymous said...
    In biblical terms there are only 2 types a people born in the world-- Jews and Gentiles. Yet there is a total of three types of people-- Jews and Gentiles (born to their lot in life), and Christians, which are only so out of individual decisions for Christ, and of those decisions only those who were drawn to that decision by the Father are genuine.

    America is a 'Christian' nation only in the sense that she is founded upon biblical principles, and was, at her inception, founded by people who were themselves predominantly of the Christian faith (whether they were genuine or not); their society, communities and laws, ALL, predominantly Christian-based.

    It doesn't matter what the rest of society today thinks a Christian is, that they are ignorant of what makes a Christian and the acts a Christian would take is evidenced by Burlington, NJ's offensive propaganda-play.

    Society does have to accept its members professions of faith at face value, but society should be educated enough to discern the actions of Christians and judge them accordingly; this nation WAS founded on biblical law and Christian principles, so this nation should be able to tell figs from crab apples, but thanks to the sad state of education in this country, as well as its apparent moral decline and apostasy, this apparently isn't so.
    Anonymous said...
    "Just as most Muslims don't."

    Just as many Muslims are doing.

    How many Christians are? In the name of Christianity?

    Think things through a little better, Dan...or better yet...quit spinning things to fit your agenda of deception.

    The leadership of the school was clearly attempting to influence the students against Christianity and you fully know it.
    Anonymous said...
    "The MSM - as biased (to the Right, usually) as it is..."


    I had shot milk out my nostrils on that one, Dan?

    Need anyone any more evidence that Dan is a deciever?
    Anonymous said...
    Hey El, almost totally off topic, but remember awhile back when we talked about whether chihuhuas and St. Bernards could be closely related? Here's a cool article that's relevant.
    Anonymous said...
    And yet many want to point to something as specific and amazing simple (yet immeasurably complex) as IGF-1 as proof that everything is by chance; that's there's no element of design in nature?

    Very interesting article. Thanks for the link.

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