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In Addition:

I've added a link to Extreme Blast Billiards in the 'Just Because It's Fun' section. I wouldn't call it fun, per se, as much as... obsessively compulsive, but if it weren't fun I wouldn't go there... or would I? Nevertheless! check it out. Btw... The one just above it is a running total of how many cows have been abducted by aliens worldwide.

In Appreciation:

I was introduced to Baba Ganoush at a Mediterranean bistro this afternoon. My sister and her husband came up from Panama City to deliver a treadmill (Yes, this hamster needs more exercise than he's getting), and lunch soon followed.

Baba Ganoush is a dip made from roasted eggplant, of all things-- and tahini. It was incredibly delicious. So delicious in fact I went out and bought eggplant, tahini, and pine nuts to make my own.

Picked up a couple of passionfruit as well. When they're ripe I'll save a few seeds and add passionfruit to my ever-expanding garden.


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