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"Legitimate Demands"

[Now that Memorial Day is over, here then is the American Traitor Adam Gadahn's latest video. Radical Islam is still the greatest threat this nation faces, though only slightly less than Bush's ridiculous Amnesty Bill]

"No great Nation can fall from without untill it has fallen from within."

--The Fall of the Roman Empire

With the state this nation is currently in? We do not DARE lose this fight.


  1. Anonymous said...
    What a wackjob. I'll never understand how a Westerner can turn his back on Christ in favor of a chucklehead like Muhammad, pretend prophet. Talk about one confused individual!
    Anonymous said...
    (Sigh) That there will always be nuts and idiots who somehow manage to draw attention to themselves is as certain as death and taxes.

    Bush a baby killer and war criminal? Do you think this idiot appreciates the irony of his statement?
    Anonymous said...
    He certainly doesn't appreciate how stupid he looks in that get-up.
    Anonymous said...
    I suggested spitting on a leftist as a way to honor our fallen veterans and got threatened with violence.

    Funny how they are motivated to fight by a suggested peaceful act of protest but call us fearmongers when we point to real islamist threats of violence.
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Spitting on someone is assault, not peaceful. Looks like one would expect an ass-whupping, if one were an eye-for-an-eye type.
    Anonymous said...
    "Spitting on someone is assault, not peaceful. Looks like one would expect an ass-whupping, if one were an eye-for-an-eye type."

    I'll bet you feel the same way about someone who burns the flag, don't you Rev?

    Burning a flag is assault...not peaceful.

    Spitting a great big green loogie in the face of a traitor is no more violent than burning the flag of my fathers.

    It's a non-violent expression of speech.
    Anonymous said...
    "Looks like one would expect an ass-whupping..."

    That's the whole idea, Rev. Provoke the idiots to fight then whoop-ass.

    Unlike the leftist method...provoke the other side to anger, then blame the other side for the trouble.
    Anonymous said...
    "Funny how they are motivated to fight by a suggested peaceful act of protest but call us fearmongers when we point to real islamist threats of violence." - Me

    "Looks like one would expect an ass-whupping..." -ER

    See what I mean?

    Well...I guess that the ER agrees we have reason to kick the asses of islamists who threaten America and those who support, harbor, aid, and defend them, right?

    I knew he was really on our side all along.
    Anonymous said...
    Fine line.

    Spit on the ground at my feet and I might be so offended that I fight you. But it's still ME who starts the fight, because I'm weak.

    Spit in my face and I'm likely to defend myself, despite the Lord's admonitions to be peaceful, because I'm human and I've been assaulted.

    Burn a flag at your house, or in a public place, and I might be so offended that I fight you. But it's still ME who starts the fight, because I'm weak. Burn MY flag, on my flagpole or on my lapel, and I or my property have been assaulted, and I'm likely to defend myself, despite the Lord's admonitions to be peaceful, because I'm human and I've been assaulted.

    Provocation is one thing: goading someone to fight. Assault is starting a fight.
    Anonymous said...
    ER-- Far be it from me to disagree, but each of your examples possess not even the smidgen of a hint of being a "fine line"

    It is as you finally called it: Assault... throwing the first punch. It's blatant malice coupled with complete and utter contempt for the victim.
    Anonymous said...
    Well, the fine line is the one between someone's fist and my nose -- or someone's spit on the ground at my feet, and the inch or two to my foot. I started out literal and went theoretical and slipped a gear!

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