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"In a stunning move, House Democrats today revealed they will attempt to rewrite House rules that have gone unchanged since 1822 in order to make it possible to increase taxes and government spending without having to vote and be held accountable."

National Review Online
May 16, 2007

Whatever happened to taxation without representation? If these thieving, lying, cheats succeed why shouldn't the rest of America take their constitutional right under the fourth amendment for a walk straight to Washington D.C. and take back our government... at gunpoint! Throw every last Democratic Bastard OUT on their ears!

THIS congress-- particularly the Democratic leadership and every sorry bastard that votes in favor of making our voices moot on ANY discussion of taxation --is the most corrupt congress this nation has ever seen.


And they've held the reins of power just under four months! Imagine what they could do if given a year... or more!!!

Call your congressman, call your senator. Demand they denounce this stratagem. And demand accountability from every single thief who even suggests this is a good idea.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Old news. The Dems tried a power play and it failed. And, I agree with you that it sucked. But don't act so high and mighty. Recall the "nuclear option," which was just as bad a power play:

    "The (parliamentary) maneuver was brought to prominence and given its name in 2005, when the REPUBLICAN majority threatened to invoke it in order to end (Senate) filibusters against President Bush's judicial nominees."

    You are so funny, thinkin' that your side is so goody two-shoes.
    Anonymous said...
    ER, the filibustering of Judicial Nominees was the real "Nuclear Option" in that case.

    If there were Villains in that situation, they were still Democrats.

    Nice try.
    Anonymous said...
    Besides that...

    Elashley in his outrage cried out for accountability and fairness from our elected posturers on Capitol Hill, and your response was "Nyah Nyah Nyah!! Your side is just as bad as mine!"

    A weak rebuttal at best...

    THIS congress-- particularly the Democratic leadership and every sorry bastard that votes in favor of making our voices moot on ANY discussion of taxation --is the most corrupt congress this nation has ever seen.

    BAR NONE!!!

    Lash, you hit it right on the nut there...

    Whatever happened to "Cleaning House"?

    Oh, yeah... Pelosi herself would have to resign if she realistically pursued THAT goal.
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    That's right, ER. My side wanted to VOTE on judicial nominees... Your side didn't, and threatened to filibuster to avoid having to do their constitutional duty.

    Democrats haven't changed, it seems. They STILL don't want to vote-- on taxes, no less!!! They want to rule over us all, both you and me alike, as kings and queens... thieves... with their filthy hands in our pocketses without a care for we feels, none at all my precious!

    I don't want EITHER party able to tax me without a vote. It subverts the very pretense that led to the American Revolution!
    Anonymous said...
    I agree with you, Eric, that it sounds like a bad idea if their doing what is reported here. I couldn't find it online anywhere, though. Do you have an unbiased source for this story? (That's not intended to disrespect the Nat'l Review, just an acknowledgement that they have a biased view - I might have said the same thing if it were Jim Wallis' Sojourners reporting a story that I couldn't find elsewhere.)
    Anonymous said...
    If THEY'RE doing what is reported. Not "their doing what is reported..."

    Dang mental spellcheck is broken!
    Anonymous said...
    I said it sucked! If y'all want me to share in your outrage, which is driven by every other random negative thought you have for the Dems, um, no.

    The fact is the nuclear option would be an unusual and desparate manipulation of accepted parliamentary procedure -- just like the Dems tried.
    Anonymous said...
    Except that filibusters on judicial nominees wasn't a common practice if done at all. So again, the Dems were wrong there and the GOP response was to block there ploy.
    Anonymous said...
    Common practice is one thing. Acceptable procedure under Ronert's Rule is another.

    Holy crap. Plessy vs. Ferguson was an "old" rule-law when it was overturned! The age of a rule-procedure-maneuver has nothing to do with how right it is. The fact that the House rule in question hadn't been changed since 1822 mean nothing.
    Anonymous said...
    That's what I'm talking about.
    I don't have the rules in front of me. My impression from discussions from various media was that filibuster in this context was not provided for in their rules. In other words, filibustering had specific applications that did not include the interfering with a vote for or against a judicial nominee. They overstepped their authority and duty. Thus, they were wrong. I did a quick scan of Robert's Rules and filibuster on yahoo and found nothing to support the Dem actions here. Feel free to provide a link to the contrary.
    Anonymous said...
    You won't like this link either... it's from the Weekly Standard
    Anonymous said...
    Dude, that was the latest news, before you posted this. That's why I called this post "old news" in my first comment.
    Anonymous said...
    "...just an acknowledgement that they have a biased view..."

    Who doesn't?

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