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...and it puts the cart before the horse!

Didn't a bill get signed into law last year mandating a 700 mile fence be built along the border? Let's enforce THAT law first! If the boat is sinking, by all means begin bailing, but bailing won't save you from having to swim to shore! You got to find the leak and plug it! Same concept here. Table the Amnesty debate. The Illegals aren't going anywhere. And if we're going to grant amnesty to all these people shouldn't we at least see that the leak is plugged?

Build a fence first. THEN talk amnesty.

I don't want to hear any talk of immigration from my representative or senators that do not mandate we enforce the laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS first! ESPECIALLY the fence. Do these clowns in Washington expect me to believe they'll enforce the laws detailed in their new farce of an immigration bill when they won't even enforce the bill they gave to Bush last year for signing?

Nuh, uh! I'm not buying. And neither should you.

I'm not against allowing these people some measure of protection and chance of becoming citizens, but they are not and should not be our primary focus. They're here, they're not going anywhere. Let's keep anyone else from coming in illegally first! Only then should be demonstrate the compassion America is still famous for [except in Liberal circles] and talk Amnesty, or a 'Path to Citizenship'.

You want to talk bigotry? Fine. Let's talk about the bigotry on the Left which demands we show preferencial treatment to Illegals who pour across our southern border, while denying, in droves, millions of people who want to enter legally, who have degrees, and skills this nation needs to compete in technology and the sciences.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I am in full agreement with you. I have to admit to a bit of disgust with the President and his seeming disinterest in having the current laws enforced. Why pass more laws that will then be ignored also, if no one has the stomach to follow through with something they voted on and passed previously.
    I have no bias toward anyone except law breakers, no matter their race, color or ethnicity.
    Anonymous said...
    Build a wall, not a fence. Then Deport all the illegal aliens.

    If Germany, the USSR, and other countries could take guns away from every citizen in the country, if Germany could deport every Jew, then it isn't impossible to find and deport nearly every illegal alien in this country.
    Anonymous said...
    Would a border fence really solve the problem? Or maybe someone would dig a tunnel? Or drive a bull dozer over it? How do you patrol a 700 mile fence? Would you support a tax increase to hire more border guards? I've always thought we'd do better to address the root causes of why people want to immigrate to America. Encourage wider democracy in central America. Promote trade that stimulates those economies. Pressure governments to enact strong labor laws.

    If we could grow the central American economies we would have better market for America's high tech goods. I see it as the holistic approach.

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