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Premiere Week

Okay. A lot of good shows on the tube yesterday. The premiere of Heroes, season two was as cool as I hoped it'd be. But enough of Heroes. At 9 was the series premiere of JourneyMan. I thought this was going to be a simple rehash of Quantum Leap, sans Dean Stockwell, but it turned out to be a lot lot lot cooler.

Perhaps the coolest premiere was Ahmadinejad's debut at Columbia University. Okay, so he's technically not a "Premiere" ...only a president. But that was perhaps the coolest introduction a terrorist ever got on U.S. Soil. Okay, the president of Columbia U. was only caving into the pressure of criticism for inviting the little monster in the first place. All that tripe about "Free Speech" and allowing foreign madmen prestigious forums on U.S. Soil while American citizens-- like that Minutemen guy Jim Gilchrist --get boo-ed and chased off the stage with little concern or apology from the aforementioned president of Columbia U., the esteemed Mr. Bollinger.

Yeah, Liberals love freedom of speech, provided only Liberals are allowed to exercise it.... and foreigners who speak harshly about George W. Bush.

Okay, so Ahmadinejad isn't a "Premiere"... just a president... but there's a lot more cool shows debuting this week. Tomorrow night is NBC's Bionic Woman.

Some shows premiered last week, like Kid Nation which had far more substance than I thought it would. Survivor China opened up last Thursday and for a show that jumped the shark with Survivor Allstars, it turned in an impressive first ep. The only other shows I'm waiting for are Jericho, Lost, and the final season of Battlestar Galactica, DEFINITELY the best show on television!

But I have to give props to President Bollinger who ripped-- for whatever reason --a new one for Ahmadinejad. He should have been arrested the moment he landed on U.S. soil... just as he should have been LAST year. We are after all-- according to prominent Dems and Dem Candidates as well as prominent members of media --in a proxy war with Iran already....

Oh, one other premiere worthy of at least a first viewing is "Caveman," the sitcom built upon the success of all those Geico commercials....

1 Comment:

  1. Al-Ozarka said...
    I watched Survovor...was forced golly!

    I doubt I'll watch it again. I've never even seen any of the other programs (excluding the Ahmedinejad show, of course)...I just don't get into modern scripting.

    But I'll check the Caveman show out for sure! I honestly believe that the Geico commercials say more in the few seconds they appear than any modern television writer has been able to say in recent years.

    The commercials are brilliant. I hope the show is as entertaining and thought-provoking.

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