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The secular government of Israel-- and seemingly devoid of any spiritual understanding, has inexplicably granted construction/destruction rights to Muslims on the Temple mount, even seeing giving the entire Temple mount to Muslims in a peace deal [this, at least, is Olmert's thought, and echoed by Israeli President Shimon Peres]. What? Give away the holiest site of ANY religion on the face of the planet to an ethnicity and religion that doesn't even KNOW God, who actively despise God? Unbelievable!

As to why the Temple mount is the holiest site ANYWHERE, well, anyone with a love for puzzles could tell you... Jerusalem has been at the center of every major Biblical event-- is still a 'burdensome stone' today --and will, according to the prophets and God Himself, play a very prominent role in the future; will in fact be the CENTRAL focus of the final days of this dispensation, and will act as the center of ALL things to come thereafter. No other place on earth does at present, or ever will match it in importance. Jerusalem is the Beginning and End of all events on earth. Some believe that this is where God created man.


Muslim caretakers of the Temple Mount complex have insisted for decades [for centuries!] that no Jewish Temple has ever existed upon the 'Temple' Mount, despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, but these Muslims are nothing if not very bad liars. They claim that the The Al-Aqsa Mosque has stood on the mount for more than two-thousand years-- despite the fact that Islam has existed for only 1387 years [1].

NO temple has ever stood on the temple mount, so say the Muslims, and yet while recently performing excavations on the mount Muslim workers uncovered a portion of wall believed by many Jewish religious leaders to have belonged to Herod's Temple-- the second Temple. Instead of allowing an inspection of the artifacts, these Muslims have begun instead to destroy the evidence... Like I said earlier: Liars.

But what Muslims believe about the Temple Mount's history, Jewish or Muslim, is ultimately irrelevant, though very instructive.

I think it's easy to believe, especially in light of the very brief lives we live, that the world exists now much as it always has. But this is not true. Just as a child grows to be a man, ages, and dies wrinkled and stooped, so too the earth has changed-- just ask Al Gore. Mountains rise and fall, rivers divert their courses over time. Lakes form, and dry up. In spite of this it's a safe bet that God, once He's begun a project, always finishes. And neither does He pack up and move when vaporous Mankind clutters his work-bench with trival claims of ownership, or the conflicts such claims engender. To His eye the work is only six days old, give or take an hour or two.

It doesn't matter what Muslims believe about Jerusalem or it's high Holy mount. Any honest trip through the Bible will show the traveler that this world's history has been a veritable tale of two cities-- in both religion and purpose. One Holy and the other unholy. Jerusalem and Babylon.

Of all the cities mentioned in Genesis, only two have held, and are promised, significant positions throughout history-- Jerusalem and Babylon... Salem and Babel. Salem was the city ruled by Melchisadec, a priest of the Most High; and Babel, the scene of Satan's attempt to raise his own thrown above that of God's. This world has been fighting the same conflict since Satan rebelled and took a third of the angels with him. And Satan has been obsessed with destroying and/or supplanting the work of God with his own ever since.

Many are under the false impression that Satan is God's equal opposite, failing to note that Satan himself is a created being, and therefore subordinate to God, the Father. Satan, as it is well established in scripture, is jealous of God's throne, power and position. He wants it for himself. And he's not the least bit happy about Jesus redeeming mankind-- it was, after all, Satan who put a crimp in God's original purpose with Adam in the Garden of Eden.

But God doesn't throw anything away He knows can be redeemed-- He is not the least bit wasteful.

The religious Jew sees Jerusalem as the center of the lost Garden of Eden, and the Temple Mount as the sight where God created Adam. Their basis for this is found in Genesis 2:10-14 and 1 Kings 1:32-46. The common denominator being the river Gihon.

The river that came out of Eden split into four heads, one of which was/is Gihon. The river that flowed out of Eden is not specifically named, but there's enough evidence to suggest it ran very near to where present Jerusalem sits. [there's a fascinating treatise on this topic here].

I can hear you now... 'But EL, the Euphrates is no where near Jerusalem, and the Hiddekel-- generally accepted to be the Tigris, likewise is just as distant.'

My response then is this 'You're looking at current maps! What was the topography of the region 1500 years prior to the Flood? When Adam and Eve enjoyed the splendor of Eden?

Anyway, as I stated earlier, God views Jerusalem with particular appreciation. It is called the 'City of God' with reason. But the Israeli government is largely run by secular hearts and minds, and Israel, as a nation, is still a valley of dry bones [spiritually speaking]; there has as yet been NO great revival in the land of Israel.

So what can American's do to stop what Olmert & Co. are allowing to happen on the holiest piece of real estate in the world? Call your congressman/woman and ask them to publicly threaten, on the floors of the House and Senate, to pull support of Israel as a nation if they continue to allow the continued wanton destruction of the Temple Mount... if they continue to court the idea of giving it all away. Anyone of you who sends money to charities that benefit Israel should send letters stating why no monies will be forthcoming until....

The Bible says to "Pray" for the peace of Jerusalem, and to "Bless" His holy people. But nowhere-- unless I'm severely mistaken --does it say we should support them in giving away their inheritance.

In the end, however, it's not going to matter. The Temple WILL be rebuilt, and I believe it will be in MY lifetime, or at least within the range of my lifetime-- I don't actually expect to be here when construction begins.

Finally. Satan has spent the last several thousand years seeking to pervert every truth of God, including the invention of religions in competition to what God has revealed through His chosen people, and Islam certainly fits that bill.

1- An approximation based on the events on the 'Prophet's' encounter with the Angel Gabriel in the ninth year of his 'mission'. An encounter during which the Prophet was given a choice between a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. Choosing the milk, the Prophet was told he had chosen the 'True' religion, and thus, Islam was born. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


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