Say hello to Representative Steve Israel, Democrat, from New York's 2nd District, typical of the Modern Democrat-- Either lied to, or a liar himself:
...I must say, Mr. Speaker, that when I heard of the comments of Rush Limbaugh, when I heard him impugn the integrity of our soldiers, when I heard him call them phonies, I had just about had it. How dare he attack our soldiers. How dare he impugn their integrity. How dare he attack their credibility. There is no place in America for anyone to attack our soldiers while they are fighting in combat or when they have come home. I don't care what the reason, Mr. Speaker. There is no place in America for that, particularly coming from someone who believes that he is the "gold standard" of patriotism, who believes he has a monopoly on patriotism, who has accused anyone who dissents with a particular policy with which he disagrees as a traitor. What is patriotic, Mr. Speaker, about calling American soldiers phonies? What is patriotic about that?
If ever there was anything that suggested to me a dissent beyond the line, I would never call it traitorous, but I can't think of a better example of giving aid and comfort to our enemies than somebody who would call our soldiers phony while they're fighting, who would attack them while they're defending us.
He crossed the line, he crossed the line of fair play, he crossed the line of hypocrisy. This standard-barer of patriotism attacking American forces, it is unacceptable. It is unacceptable. Not only because it is hypocritical and not only because it is an attack on our Armed Forces, Mr. Speaker, but because it comes from somebody who never fought for our country, unless you consider being a disk jockey to be worthy of combat pay. Mr. Speaker, the American people are sick and tired of this kind of hypocrisy and this kind of attack.
I went to Walter Reed Army Hospital yesterday, and maybe that's why I'm so fired up, Mr. Speaker. I visited Walter Reed Army Hospital yesterday and with young men whose limbs have been amputated, whose futures have been changed. How dare anybody suggest that because one of them may disagree with a policy that that person is a phony. Thank God we live in a country that gives us the right to agree with a policy to go to war. You have the right to disagree, you even have the right to remain silent, but no one has the right in this country to call any member of our Armed Forces "phony."
...and the Democratic Party owes them an apology.
Remember John Kerry, John Murtha? Dick Durbin? Chuck Schumer? Theodore "sink or swim" Kennedy? Hillary Clinton? Now Congressman Israel steps into the fray either entirely uninformed, or yet another bold-faced liar.
Thing is, Rush didn't accuse ANY U.S. Soldier of being phony (or a suicide bomber for that matter). He accused Jesse MacBeth-- or should I say, Jesse al-Zaid? Yes, that is the actual name he was born with --of being phony. But Democrats don't care about the truth. They care about power, and squashing all opposition. A lot of them know, or even care to know what the Constitution actually says. If they did, men like Ken Salazar from Colorado would know the Constitution doesn't allow for the censuring of private citizens. Democrats got all bent out of shape when Republicans created legislation that affected a single American-- Terry Schiavo --but now, hypocritically, they're trying to do the very same thing... trying to pass legislation to condemn a single man... for NOT saying what they're accusing him of.
And let's be clear on one thing: These Democrats are not stupid. They have to know the context in which Rush said what he did, but the truth doesn't matter to them. Truth, to Democrats, is a small furry animal to be squeezed by the throat till it says what Democrats want it to say.
What we are watching are the beginnings of a major political party falling into a brand of communistic totalitarianism-- "Jack-booted thuggery" as I described in an earlier post. This whole scene is far too Orwellian for comfort, and the Democrat Party is so filled with hate it's truly frightening. Based on the charges outline by Congressman Steve Israel, without a doubt, Democrats owe all of America an apology for their lies and treachery, and for the treatment they've given the American Soldier. They are truly disgraceful. And if the implications of the Democrat Party's complete abandonment of personal and political integrity weren't so gosh-darned frightening, it would be comical.
Today's Democrat Party is, arguably, the most dangerous enemy this nation is currently facing.
Read what some on the right think of Rep. Israel and the Greater failure known as the Democrat Party and their Corporate-Lie here
Just to rub salt in the wound, here's what Rush had to say this afternoon about Congressman Israel and the Democrats:
I want to say one other thing, going back to Steve Israel, when he says I'm giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Who, in lying about all this, who has been giving aid and comfort to the enemy? When Osama Bin Laden, or whoever, releases one of these famous tapes, whose talking points are they using? The Democrat Party's. When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes to the United States, or hell, from his little balcony over there in Tehran, when he starts in on the US, whose talking points is he using? The Democrat Party. For crying out loud, the guy even criticizes Bush for Hurricane Katrina. The little pip-squeak from Tehran. They use Democrat talking points, Congressman Israel. It is plain as day for anybody. You want to talk about giving aid and comfort to the enemy -- who is it that our enemies hope win elections? It is you, Congressman Israel, and your party. Bin Laden and, what's his name, Ahmadinejad, are all hoping that your party wins elections. That's what would embarrass me.
It would embarrass me to see this little pip-squeak come over here, be invited to speak at Columbia, he's a maniacal mass murderer, he sounds just like Democrats. I would be embarrassed if I were a Democrat and this guy starts talking about my country the way he does, "My gosh, he sounds just like I do, this is horrible." But you guys seem to embrace this. You seem to embrace the enemies of the United States. If they're on your side politically, if they hate Bush, if they can help you succeed in losing this war so you can hang that defeat around Bush and destroy his presidency and get it for yourself, you seem to embrace it. What makes this smear on me so patently ridiculous, is it has zero substance to it. It is a total fraud, and you guys buy into it hook, line, and sinker. You speak of me in ways you will not speak of our enemies. You speak of me, Wesley Clark, censor me, Ken Salazar from Colorado wants to censure me and I can't even be censured because I'm not a senator. Has he read the Constitution?
These are morons. Harry Reid, I don't care, Jan Schakowsky, all these people have gone to the House floor or the Senate floor, Tom Harkin, demeaning himself and his family with personal attacks on me from the floor of the Senate. These people are saying things about me, ladies and gentlemen, they would not say about Bin Laden, that they will not say about Ahmadinejad. They will not say these things in general about our enemy. In fact, they have been highly critical of active duty military, impugning their ability to win, making up stories about atrocities that they never committed. And yet, you won't speak that way of our real genuine enemies. (interruption) Well, that's true, Durbin -- but there's so many to remember. Kerry, insulting their intelligence. Kerry has built a career on attacking active duty military, starting in 1971. Durbin comparing our troops in prisons to Nazis and Soviet assassins and Pol Pot's murderers. You think that doesn't aid and abet the enemy, Mr. Israel?
This is real serious stuff you guys are engaging in. You are genuinely aiding and abetting the enemy. It would be nice to hear you have some critical things to say about the enemy, because you don't have to lie about them to be critical of them, Congressman Israel, or Senator Reid. You don't have to lie about our enemies; you don't have to lie about Fidel Castro; you don't have to lie about Hugo Chavez. You gotta make it up about me, though. You have to purposely, willingly, make it up about me, and people like me that you smear and attack. I'm by no means the only one.
On a side, and completely unrelated note, the Governor was in the studio during the news this afternoon. Being at the audio board I missed my chance to shake his hand and tell him I appreciated the great job he's doing.
Have a nice day, everyone.
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It seems Dan Rather managed to leave a legacy after all.