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There’s a Huckabee Born Every Minute
--Ann Coulter
December 19, 2007

Asked on CNN's "Larry King Live" Monday night about his beliefs on evolution, Huckabee rushed to assure King that he has no interest in altering textbooks that foist this fraud on innocent schoolchildren.

The Huckster doesn't believe in evolution but has no interest in removing it from the Humanist Indoctrination manuals in American schools? He's willing to allow another generation to sink into that dark well of pathos and unbelief that the fraud of Darwinianism "foists" upon innocent school children? What? A Baptist preacher not interested in defending the truth?

Judging strictly from the rest of the article I'm beginning to wonder if I can even contemplate voting for Huckabee.

The world sees Christians in only two lights, really: Hypocrites and the 'Real Deal' which to the unbelieving world usually means those who compromise the message to make it more palatable to the unbelieving world.

Huckabee compromising on truth? What else would he compromise on if awarded the White House?


  1. Dan Trabue said...
    Are you writing off all Christians who believe in Evolution (I'd guess 50% +) or just those who say they don't believe in it but don't want to remove it from the books?

    You'd vote for a president who WANTS to remove evolution from the school books? I thought that was the beef of some on the Religious Right - that they wanted equal time for Intelligent Design. Are you saying you don't want equal time, you want evolution not taught at all?
    Eric said...
    Why would I, a Christian, want Darwinism taught as incontrovertible fact, as unassailable science? I'm not asking that Creationism be taught in its stead, only that Evolution-- as expressed by Darwin --be denied the moniker "sound scientific fact"

    I find it odd, and more than a bit distressing, that a Baptist minister would compromise his faith to get elected. Commonsense tells anyone with half a brain that he said what he did because he didn't want to offend the sensibilities of 'middle of the road' undecideds. That is too much of a compromise to make simply to get elected. I like Huckabee! But I don't like that he felt he had to resort to compromising the truth as he sees it for the sake of an election. It's called integrity, Dan. And I don't see it in ANY candidate in EITHER party.

    Do you see the dilemma I face? Especially since Presidential elections have long ceased to be about electing the best qualified man, but have degenerated to a choice between the lesser of two evils.

    In the end-- whatever I decide -- whoever wins the White House is there because God wants him there. Everything works within the narrow confines of His prophetic plan for this earth. I can't vote for Hillary for what should be obvious reasons. Ditto with Obama. In terms of 'lesser evils,' I could vote for Edwards, but he won't get the nomination. Push come to shove, I'll have to vote for the lesser evil whichever party he comes from, or I could simply pencil in the name "Alan Keyes."

    I have a responsibility as a Christian to vote-- to participate in the upcoming election. But again, it is His party; I'm just an invited guest. His will be done. And sometimes His will involves the chastisement of nations. And I would view Hillary AND Obama in just such a light.
    Dan Trabue said...
    But what of the majority of scientists and teachers and citizens who accept evolution as a theory supported by facts and who find ID to be a philosophy (one I happen to agree with) masquerading as science?

    It just sounded like you wanted to remove evolution removed from schools, despite what others may want or believe correct.

    I guess you could make a case that Huckabee is being hypocritical to say that he believes in ID but doesn't want to remove Evolution from schools, but to me it just sounds like he's acknowledging that he's in a minority position if he disagrees with evolution and doesn't want to foist a minority position off on the majority.

    It'd be like if I were elected president - even though I lean pacifist because of my faith, I wouldn't demand laws be made that mandate pacifism, it's not what the majority of my fellow citizens want. So, I wouldn't think it hypocritical to not insist on Pacifism as our nat'l model of defense, but rather abiding by the Will of the People.

    By the way, I sort of like Huckabee of the Republican candidates. Although, the more I hear about him, the less that's true. Ultimately, I just don't think he has the right kind of experience to be a president, but then, I still don't know that much about him.
    Eric said...
    "it just sounds like he's acknowledging that he's in a minority position"

    It's possible to recognize that one is in a minority position and still defend one's principles. We should not sacrifice our beliefs simply because we find ourselves in the minority.
    Eric said...
    Jesus was in 'the minority' and yet he stood firmly on His convictions.
    Dan Trabue said...
    There's a difference between standing firmly to one's positions - which I wholeheartedly support - and enforcing one's positions upon others.

    Jesus never forces anyone to believe "right." If He doesn't, why would we?
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Coulter has so blown her credibility, I don't know why anyone would take anything she says seriously. Seriously. If she is an apologist for Christianity, then Christianity is "rightly" doomed. Let the artifice fall, so that the faith can live.

    And whatever Huckabee compromised, it wasn't his faith. It was a certain plank of politics -- that's all.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Oh, and presidential elections have never, EVER been about electing the best qualified man. NOT EVER.
    Neil said...
    I didn't catch the CNN piece or Coulter's column, but I wonder why Huckabee didn't Duckabee and just say it wouldn't be something the President would deal with? It could have been a great time to say that the Feds shouldn't be in the education business. Leave it to the States and save a bunch of $$.

    Huckabee would be my choice if he were running for Next-Door Neighbor. I still haven't seen anyone better than Fred for across the board leadership, consistency and stands on the issues.
    Mark said...
    Duncan Hunter is the only true Conservative. Ann Coulter has endorsed him and so do I. Vote for him. If Huckabee or Thompson, or even Romney, or Guiliani, or McCain wins the nomination, I will vote for any of them. I will not refuse to vote for a candidate just because he does not represent ALL I support.

    Even the worst Republican is still better than the best Democrat, and Hillary is worst of all.
    Dan Trabue said...
    Why, Mark? She's not the most liberal of them all... What about her makes her the worst, in your mind?

    [I'm curious. I certainly don't like her and would probably never vote for her - but for probably for very different reasons than you.]

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