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Sweet and Sour-Mash

"Swiftboating" -- exposing lies with verifiable evidence and/or eye-witness testimony

Who then is being swiftboated

Barack Obama?
or Hillary Clinton?

But then, Democrats have invented their own definition of Swiftboating. To Democrats, Barack Obama is being swiftboated by the VRWC. Hillary on the other hand has only been caught in a lie.

With all the chaos in the Democrat Party, I must confess that seeing them engaged in political self-flagellation is quite amusing.

Additionally, and On a Side Note:


Gen. McPeak owes the United States and the memory of Mr. McCarthy an apology.

Bill Clinton is no Joe McCarthy

Retired Air Force Gen. Merrill "Tony" McPeak's recent comparison between Sen. Joseph McCarthy and former President Bill Clinton is factually wrong and politically misleading ("Obama aide compares Clinton to McCarthy," Page A7, Saturday).

Mr. McCarthy was a Marine Corps officer who served his country faithfully and patriotically. As a senator, he staunchly defended the United States against communism.

Records revealed after the end of the Cold War indicate he was correct. Mr. McCarthy was vehemently attacked by the left wing in this country, primarily by Democrats, who continue to attack him.

Mr. Clinton was a draft dodger who signed an executive order authorizing the sale of nuclear secrets to communist China. An impeached president, he risked America's national security for campaign contributions. He was embraced by the left wing, primarily Democrats.

To compare the two is a travesty. Gen. McPeak owes the United States and the memory of Mr. McCarthy an apology.


Yeah, Democrats get this one wrong too.


  1. Anonymous said...

    ...It's only wrong if the MSM says it is...

    ...and then only if it's exposing the truth about "their" candidate.
    Anonymous said...
    And isn't it interesting that a Democrat would compare a man that SOLD OUT TO THE COMMUNISTS to a man that FOUGHT TO EXPOSE COMMUNISTS.

    But then...

    Most of the left supports Communism or at least Socialism anyway.

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