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Ann Coulter, hated WASP, and favorite Liberal target, loses the argument with the title of her latest post...

Or does she?

An excerpt from...

Obama's Dimestore 'Mein Kampf'
--Ann Coulter, April 2, 2008

Obama is about to be our next president: You might want to take a peek [at Obama's book 'Dreams From My Father']. If only people had read "Mein Kampf"...

I'll have to either suck up the cost and buy Obama's book, or find it at the library.


  1. Marshal Art said...
    Do you mean "the first one who uses the comparison to Nazis, loses"?

    I haven't read Barry's book, either, but your post begs the question: Do you believe she wouldn't accurately quote Obama? Seems to me she gets a bigger kick out of mocking what libs actually say, than to make stuff up.

    That said, for my part I'd assume those are direct quotes and no lame excuse about context can smooth over the blatant race baiting (if not direct racism) of his words. I have to say, though, he should be running on his ability to read minds since he's certain that he knows what whitey is thinking.
    Eric said...
    Yes... that's what I mean. But note what comes after...

    "Or does she?"

    I've heard these quotes before, but I'm not willing to decry the Obama candidacy based on quotes in a book I haven't read. That's not to say I don't think Obama is the scariest presidential candidate in a generation. It's clear he wants to be the first black president rather than the next president, and everything I've read about his views and his voting record, and his associations, tells me he little better than a black David Duke. He will not heal racial divisions in this country. He will only make them worse. He is too naive and too filled with anti-white bigotry to be an effective president, let alone the first black president...

    Mein Kampf is a scary book. Coulters suggestion that Obama's tome mirrors Hitler's may or may not be out of bounds... as I said, I prefer to read it for myself first, before agreeing with her.

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