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Who killed Martin. Really? WHAT killed King? Really?
Was it fear? Was it selfishness? Spite? or something as simple as petty hatred?

Personally, I think Politics killed Martin Luther King. Just as Politics is killing America today.

I believe America is ready for a "Black" president, though I'd much prefer an American president. Obama is not American enough to be president.... by all indications he identifies himself as black more than he does American.

There's nothing wrong with "pride in where one hails from..." but there's something seriously wrong with the kind of pride that sees color in terms of racial superiority.

When I see Obama, and hear him speak, I can't help but think the name "David Duke." Racism isn't pretty, under the banner of ANY skin pigmentation.

Updating [Because everyone else is politicizing this day] :

Harking back to a post I made at my old digs Pocket full of Mumbles, wherein I introduced an article by Bob Parks, I find it more than apropos to reintroduce the subject of racism and slavery.... as delineated by Wayne Perryman of




a case before the 9th circuit court of appeals in 2005-06

But Bob Parks lays out the charges against the Democrat Party, which they did not deny, thusly:

In the class-action Reparation lawsuit against the Democratic Party, will the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rule against the Democrats and order them to apologize to African Americans in 2006? In their brief to the Court of Appeals (Case No. 05-35890), Democrats are not denying the fact that their party was behind many of the racist acts that have affected Blacks during the past 200 years. The Democrat's own Political Platforms as well as Congressional Records show that as a party:

1. Democrats supported Slavery and its expansion into the northern states

2. Democrats introduced the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Act to expand slavery into the northern states.

3. Democrats support of the Dred Scott Decision

4. Democrats supported Fugitive Slave Laws

5. Democrats collectively opposed the 13th Amendment to end slavery

6. Democrats collectively opposed the 14th Amendment to give blacks citizenship

Democrats collectively opposed the 15th Amendment to give blacks the right to vote

7. Democrats exhausted every efforts to destroy Reconstruction including opposing the 1867 Reconstruction Act and coming up with the Compromise of 1877

Democrats opposed the Freedman Bureau

8. Democrats opposed Senate Bill 60 of 1866 to give blacks 40 acres and mule (It was Democratic President Andrew Johnson that vetoed the Bill.

9. Democrats supported of the Slaughter House Case

10. Democrats opposed the 1866 Civil Rights Acts

11. Democrats opposed the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 and continue to oppose anti-lynching laws up through 1965

12. Democrats passed a multitude of Jim Crow Legislation

13. Democrats passed of Black Codes

14. Democrats establishment of the Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist auxiliaries for their Party to keep blacks in their place

15. Democrats promoted White Supremacy

16. Democrats opposed blacks schools and colleges

17. Democrats supported of Plessy v Ferguson legalizing Segregation

18. Democrats were against the decision in the case of Brown v Board of Education

19. Democrats supported, participated and endorsed over 5,000 lynching in states under their control

20. Democrats opposed to the NAACP and other organization designed to help blacks

21. Democrats were in opposition to blacks holding political office and drove many from office during Reconstruction with terror and violence

22. Southern Democrats debated against the passage of the 1964 Civil Right Act

23. Southern Democrats debated against the passage of 1965 Voting Rights Act

24. Southern Democrats fought against Affirmative Action

25. Southern Democrats fought against the integration of Southern schools

26. Democrats supported and participated in burning down middle class black communities like those in Rosewood, Florida, Wilmington, North Carolina and the Greenwood District (Black Wallstreet) in Tulsa Oklahoma.

27. Southern Democrats fraudulently took over two million acres of black property according to an investigation by Associated Press.

28. Democrats in an effort to keep blacks in their place used sadistic torture, terror and violence including: lynching, mutilations, murder, decapitations and beating and burning to death countless number of blacks.

In their brief to the court, Democrat's are not arguing that they did not commit these horrific inhumane acts, their only defense is that according to Lujan v The Defenders of Wildlife case, the Plaintiff, Rev. Wayne Perryman, an inner-city minister from Seattle, does not have the legal authority (or "standing") to bring this matter to the court. This is the same arguments used to dismiss the reparation cases sponsored by Johnnie Cochran and Professor Charles Ogletree.

In their brief to the court, attorney David Burman (representing the Democratic Party) told the court: "Conceding to the horrors of slavery and racism and even accepting for purposes of this motion that the Democratic Party in the past supported or acquiesced in those horrors, nowhere does the Complaint makes the required showing of any 'concrete and personalized injury' necessary to confer standing. The Plaintiff's injuries are the same injuries that were inflicted on all African Americans over a 200 year period and affect the entire African American Community."

The Democrats are spending thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight this case. Rev. Perryman responded with the attached 10 page Reply Brief to challenge their position on standing. Rev. Perryman is not seeking monetary damages only a public apology. He is the only black leader not afraid to go after the powerful Democratic Party while challenging the Republican Party.

And before anyone tries to criticize Bob Parks as being yet another Conservative with an ax to grind-- you'd be right, but you'd best take a look at his site anyway. Here's one black who doesn't hate America.

Updating Yet Again [Because I feel like it] :

Bob Parks on:

Liberal Hypocrisy In Crossvoting

Funny, it was okay when Democrats "crossvoted" for John McCain to screw Mitt Romney, but when the Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter strategy of voting for Hillary to avoid Obama worked, all hell is breaking loose…

Oh, but now that the shenanigans have messed with Democrat primary results, let's call the cops.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Look Eric until the 1960's the democratic base was southern states. But in the 60's southern democrats started pulling away when northern political leaders started calling for civil rights. That's why the 1968 democratic convention is such a pivotal event in political history, it was when civil rights party activists firmly broke with conservative democrats. In political science it's called realignment. Today's Democratic party has little relation to the southern conservatives who opposed civil rights. You lived during these events, were you asleep? The question is why did all those people who opposed civil rights change to the republican party instead of forming a new anti-civil rights party? Something about the GOP drew them.

    Lincoln was a Republican but he definitely wasn't a conservative.

    "What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?"
    Estase said...
    Republicans were sympathetic to white racists? May I remind Bent that the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were supported by Everett Dirksen, a Republican? Who integrated the Birmingham schools? Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican. Who sat by and did sweet nothing to help the civil rights movement? John F. Kennedy, a Democrat. Who created a Robert E. Lee holiday in Arkansas? Bill Clinton, a Democrat. Get the picture?

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