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Big O Losing Big Mo
--by Lisa Fabrizio, July 16, 2008

Poor Barack Obama. In the space of a few short weeks, he has gone from liberal savior with a 15 point lead over John McCain, to a mere mortal in a dead heat in the polls. He has alienated some of his base by flip-flopping on issues like the FISA vote, partial-birth abortion and most importantly, stating that he will continue to "refine" his Iraq War policy.

In addition to his change of position on issues, he's been slapped down by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on his plans to conduct a photo-op at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, had his call for bilingualism rejected by 83% of voters polled and been vocally castrated by his predecessor as the so-called voice of American blacks.

Even worse for him, just last week a CNN poll showed that support for Obama among Democrats has dropped five points in the last month. And the number of Clinton backers who say they will not vote for Obama has risen to nearly one third over the same period; so much for the healing of old wounds and repairing party unity.....

So much for "Change We Can Believe In." The man wrestles truth like its Play-Doh-- it's whatever he wants and shapes it to be. Typical Liberal Democrat. What has he "Changed?" His position on just about everything. On top of this there's talk of desertion among his super delegates.

If the Obamessiah is the penultimate cat's meow, why isn't he blowing McCain out of the political water? Obama has no experience to really speak of that should qualify him for the title and position of President of the United States.

...When you lack a good record-- well, when you lack a record, period, 143 days [in the U.S. Senate], you're a community organizer in Chicago working for a corrupt voter registration unit called ACORN, when you have a record that insignificant and then you have to embark on a campaign to conceal the real you, such as your buds Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, this is what you do: you try to divert attention with emotional appeals and rants.

--Rush Limbaugh

Yeah he talks a good talk, but even that is becoming old hat.

And it's not just the right wing clearly seeing the chinks in the Messiah's armor... From a man who just wants his party back.


  1. Erudite Redneck said...
    I know this is the meme of the week on talk radio. But, no.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Some of us really would vote for a yellow dog if it were on the ticket. Especially now.

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