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Charlie Gibson with Sarah Palin: The REAL interview.

To my mind this destroys ABC's credibility-- not that they had much to begin with, for to edit Sarah's responses prior to air is deceitful in the extreme. The way they edited her answers to Gibson's questions changes the meaning of her responses in the ears of those who watched the interview.

There is no denying it. Media has ceased to be objective... This merely nails it's coffin shut.

h/t Ms. Green for the email.

Here's the REAL interview courtesy of Mark Levin

New Definition:

Media-- (n) 1. Pimp to its own agenda; 2. Manipulative whore; 3. Liar

Update 1:
Little Green Footballs, has a write-up on this media scandal and points to criticism of ABC by UPI.

ABC's Gibson grilled Palin hard, but it may backfire

It remains to be seen if Gibson's perceived arrogance and condescension will give Palin another boost. It certainly didn't help the Democrats that ABC's chief political correspondent, Stephanopoulos, who had rushed to Obama's aid only four days before, was wheeled on to discuss her interview with Gibson as soon as it was concluded.

Liberal Democrats predictably will cite the interview as evidence that Palin is not prepared for the vice presidency. Republicans will equally predictably cite it as evidence that she is. How centrist voters will react to it remains to be seen. One thing is clear: This isn't a transformational election on either side. Whoever wins, the ugly old cultural and political divisions in America remain -- and they are deeper than ever.

Shameful. ABC is toast in terms of credibility. And Obama? He can't even heal divisions in America, let alone the planet.

Update 2:
Say Anything Blog has this to offer:

Compare And Contrast: Gibson’s Questions Of Obama vs. Gibson’s Questions Of Palin

Update 3:

An incognito Hollywood director offers evidence that ABC, in addition to deceitfully editing the Palin interview, also used camera trickery to minimize the Republican vice-presidential candidate.

From HollywoodTrenches Blog:

Charlie Gibson and ABC News Camera Trickery

1 Comment:

  1. Craig said...
    I don't have much of a problem of Gibson asking tough questions to Palin. I think she aquitted herself very well. I am however waiting for the same sort of questions for O'Biden. I'm not holding my breath.

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