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...this'll hurt.

It doesn't matter whether he's really Muslim or not. It doesn't matter that he simply misspoke. This will be used against him; and he, his campaign, and all his supporters will insist that the Right is only interesting in smearing him, a committed "Christian," yet again. Just as it doesn't matter how much the Right complains about all the lies and innuendos leveled by the Left upon Governor Palin. I know, I know, the right is hate-filled, racist, and intolerant; they cling [pathetically] to their guns and religion....

Do I believe Obama is Muslim? No. Do I believe he's a Christian? No Comment.

Thank you, Barack Hussein Obama, for giving us something more to talk about. Yes, ignorance will fly like pigs from catapults, and the aftermath-- like pigs shot from catapults --will be messy. But you only have yourself to blame on this one. It came out of YOUR mouth. And, unfortunately, there'll be plenty of folk on the right who will jump on this like there's no tomorrow giving YOU something to talk about beside your shady associations... REAL issues that speak to your character and personal philosophy.

..::SIDE NOTE::..

McCain get's huge bounce. Leads Obama in polls. And has nothing to do with this current gaffe. Perhaps it has somewhat to do with the incredible lies and innuendos leveled by the Left against Mrs. Palin.


  1. Dan Trabue said...
    It doesn't matter whether he's really Muslim or not. It doesn't matter that he simply misspoke. This will be used against him...

    Well, then, it would behoove us as citizens and Christians to encourage other not to take Obama's words out of context and imply something that isn't there. That would be dishonest.

    So, let's agree to spread the good word on this point: Don't try to twist Obama's words to mean something that he didn't mean.

    That is wrong.
    Dan Trabue said...
    What came out of his mouth wasn't even a misstatement. McCain HASN'T tried to talk about "his muslim faith." The point he was making was that McCain himself has not tried suggesting that Obama is a Muslim.

    If anyone tries taking this and spreading misinformation, shame on them. I'm glad we can count on you to stand up and correct that misinformation, too.
    Al-Ozarka said...
    "Well, then, it would behoove us as citizens and Christians to encourage other not to take Obama's words out of context and imply something that isn't there. That would be dishonest."

    Dan (I'm much, much nicer than you) Trabue

    Dan, why would you suggest keeping men's words in context when you encourage taking God's word out of context?

    Al-Ozarka said...
    Dan, Mr. O. Hussein Obama said it was "my Muslim faith. He claimed it as his own.

    How can you take that out of context? Pretty straightforward, really.

    Was it really a gaff?
    Dan Trabue said...
    And you, sir, are exactly the sort that I would expect to spread lies and disinformation. Shame on you.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    One, you are so grasping at straws you should be embarrassed.

    Two, "No comment"? You can have no comment on ANYONE'S Christianity. Feel free to point that out sometimes when it doesn't suit ya, as well as when it does.
    Marshal Art said...
    Grasping at straws??? This is just straight forward making fun of Barry.

    We are durn near duty bound to comment on the "Christianity" of one who's actions are so far removed from Christian teaching. We do this so as not to confuse those who are truly seeking.
    Eric said...
    Sorry ER. You've sold your intellect for a pot of stew. You sold it for the weakest Democratic candidate since.... heck! Decades before FDR. Even Jimmy Carter, inarguably the worst president in recent memory, wasn't as horrid as Barack Obama.

    This is McCain's election to lose.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    All I'm saying is you have real differences with him. Why don't you concentrate on them? Could it be because you're afraid not enough people agree with you? That, in fact, more people than not agree with him? I think so.

    EL, you underestimate my hatred for the Republican Party, which, actuallym is stronger than my agreement with the Democratic Party.

    As for Obama's faith and faith life, it fairly closely mirrors my own, and many others. So, of course, I'm going to feel it personally when you ridicule it -- as if you can. You embarrass yourself when you do.

    Re, "We do this so as not to confuse those who are truly seeking."

    I'm sorry, MA, but I am torn as to whether to cackle out loud at your hubris, or to succumb to the chills that that sends down my spine, which is not very much unlike the same chill I get hearing Muslim extremists.

    BTW: 'Member all those attacks y'all cheered on for Obama's pastor's supposedly nonb-mainstream views? Remember that that's when the can of worms got opened when Gov. Palin's non-mainstream fundamentalist faith life gets totally deconstructed for all to see.

    No winners in any of this kind of thing. Just don't forget: Y'all on the right started it.
    Eric said...
    I have to agree with Marshall on this. Obama's "Christian faith" smacks of fraud, especially when he can't even say in front of millions of viewers when the unborn get human rights.... it's above his pay-grade!

    Well it's NOT above MY pay grade.

    When does life begin? When are the unborn to be afforded the same rights and dignity granted you and I?


    Pick up a bible once in a while and read for yourself. Stop relying on preachers to tell you what to believe, and study for yourself. It's YOUR Christian duty! Assuming you are Christian. Assuming Obama is Christian!

    Psalm 139:13, 15-16

    "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb...My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."

    Jeremiah 1:4-5

    "Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."

    Obama is a liar for "misstating" his vote on the Born Alive Victims Protection Act, and he's a coward for dodging the answer he SHOULD have given to Rick Warren. A liar and a coward. That's who you want to lead you for the next eight years, isn't it? A liar and a coward. You'd vote for Judas Iscariot if he was running on the mantra of 'Change' long as he was a democrat, that is.
    Marshal Art said...

    Re, "We do this so as not to confuse those who are truly seeking.""

    And should someone in whom you've shown favor come to you asking about the words of Fred Phelps, that God "hates fags", would you feel no duty to set straight that person of favor? Bear in mind, someone might either cackle at your hubris for daring to suppose that your belief might be more "Christian" than the beliefs of Phelps, or feel a chill down their spine for your fascist-like attitude regarding what you believe. For goodness sake, ER. Jesus wouldn't have gotten further than His Baptism if He felt as you do.
    Mark said...
    From Wikipedia (an absolutely Liberally biased web site):

    In The Audacity of Hope, Obama writes that he "was not raised in a religious household." He describes his mother, raised by non-religious parents (whom Obama has specified elsewhere as "non-practicing Methodists and Baptists") to be detached from religion, yet "in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I have ever known." He describes his Kenyan father as "raised a Muslim," but a "confirmed atheist" by the time his parents met, and his Indonesian stepfather as "a man who saw religion as not particularly useful." In the book, Obama explains how, through working with black churches as a community organizer while in his twenties, he came to understand "the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change."

    I've never met someone who calls himself a Christian who cannot or will not recount his conversion experience. It is the most compelling witeness of all to an unbeliever.

    In this biography, there is no mention whatsoever of Obama's personal conversion experience.

    As to whether he is Christian or not, ER is correct. It is not our call.

    However, as the old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words" and the Bible tells us, "By their fruits shall we know them".

    Also, any Christian will tell you, a true Christian would never confuse "in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I have ever known" with Christianity. After all, Shirley McClain is a "spiritually awakened person" or so she says.
    Mark said...
    Who is the interviewer in this interview? Keith Olberman? He corected Obama! He should have just let Obama tie his own noose for God's sake!
    Eric said...
    That would be George Stephanopoulos. Prompting his candidate-messiah from the prepared media script.

    Yes, everyone, that is 'sarcasm,' But not entirely removed from my own feelings on this.
    Mark said...
    I'm going to see McCain and Palin in person tommorrow. I hope to have some good pictures to share.

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