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The Battle Plan II: Sarah "Evita" Palin,
the Muse of the Coming Police State

--Naomi Wolf, Huffington Post

Three Deranged Quotes:

What's the plan? It is this. McCain doesn't matter. Reputable dermatologists are discussing the fact that in simply actuarial terms, John McCain has a virulent and life-threatening form of skin cancer. It is the elephant in the room, but we must discuss the health of the candidates: doctors put survival rates for someone his age at two to four years. I believe the Rove-Cheney cabal is using Sarah Palin as a stalking horse, an Evita figure, to put a popular, populist face on the coming police state and be the talk show hostess for the end of elections as we know them. If McCain-Palin get in, this will be the last true American election."

Under the coming Palin-Rove police state, you will witness the plans now underway to bring Iraqi troops to patrol the streets of our nation. This is not McCain's fantasy: it is Rove's and Cheney's."

Scharansky divided nations into "fear societies" and "free societies." Make no mistake: Sarah "Evita" Palin is Rove and Cheney's cosmetic rebranding of their fascist push: she will help to establish a true and irreversible "fear society" in this once free once proud nation. For God's sake, do not let her; do not let them."

Sounds to me like Ms. Wolf lives in a "fear Society" already-- the one in her own diseased mind.

Here then is proof positive that Palin Derangement Syndrome really exists. And it's more virulent than Bush Derangement Syndrome. For Democrats, it seems, "Fear" is the only hand they know how to play.

"Yes, Virginia, there is a fear card. And the more you use it the crazier you become."



  1. Anonymous said...
    You are the one who just days ago compared the candidacy of Barack Obama to Fidel Castro. Conspiracy fears know no party.
    Mark said...
    Same hysterical rant posted over at my place, but I used it to illustrate the overstatement of coming chaos issuing from both camps.

    There will be few dramatic changes regardless of who wins in November. I make my case.

    It's all floccinaucinihilipilification.

    Ha! Time for Geoffrey to consult Mr. Webster!
    Dan Trabue said...
    I agree with you, Eric. Wolf is over the top in her fearmongering.

    I also agree with Ben. Many on the Right are over the top in their fear-mongering.

    Palin is no fascist. Nor is Obama a fascist, a Muslim, a terrorist or a communist.

    Palin appears bad enough as she is, without inventing fascism on her part.
    Eric said...
    The difference is that most of
    Barack's ideas for change mirror socialist/communist ideals, whereas Palin... Ms. Wolf is delusional.

    The post to which you refer merely illustrates the same kind of blind 'hero worship' that 1950's Cuba engaged in, is being used once more. Media IS NOT asking Barack challenging questions [Like they are McCain]. They are not digging into every little question of impropriety [like McCain]. They are not lunging in for the kill when he flubs [like they do with McCain], i.e., Stephanopoulos' correction of Obama's "Muslim faith" in his interview a couple weeks back. Obama is being treated with kid-gloves, while McCain is being attacked for how many cars he has, how many houses, how many wives... while NO ONE in media is asking the same of Barack, or Biden. Neither did they ask these questions of John Kerry, or Al Gore.

    The aforementioned post was a reminder of what happened the last time a society voted in an unvetted candidate to their highest office... Cuba got Castro and all the misery that followed. If media won't fairly and diligently vet every candidate-- not harass one and coddle the other --then Americans should be very careful about voting in the man Media appears to favor.

    Ms. Wolf's article is quite different.

    Seeing as how my time is much more limited of late, I didn't take the time to say more than "I like the way he/she thinks..." at the other post. I should have qualified that statement. Do I think Obama is going to turn the United States of America into another Cuba? No. Do I believe he will he attempt to make radical and fundamental changes that push us closer to a socialistic society? I sure do. Ms. Wolf, however, she's seeing Rove/Cheney demons in every doorknob who, quite literally, are using Sarah Palin as the proverbial 'lipstick on the pig' to put a pretty face on the diabolically evil plots Rove and Cheney have planned for this country over the next hundred 44 elections and beyond-- never mind the fact that Rove now does political consultant work for Fox News, and Cheney is stepping down from public life January 20. Imagine that, a vice-president that genuinely does not want to be president. Maybe he knows the stress would kill him. Maybe he knows his limitations and would rather spend what time he has left with his wife and family. Either way, Ms. Wolf is out to lunch, truly gone fishing. Someone needs to hand that woman a tissue so she can wipe the spittle and froth from her tremulous lips.
    Dan Trabue said...
    And if Ms Wolf claims that all she really meant was that Palin would take us in a MORE fascist state, not that she would turn the US into a fascist state, are you two cool?
    Anonymous said...
    And here I thought Dan just asserted that it wasn't necessary to invoke fascism to criticize Palin...
    Anonymous said...
    I'd criticize Sarah Palin's political policies and goals if I knew what they are. Since she was nominated she has sat down for three interviews. She has held zero press conferences. She has authored zero opinion articles. I can't say Sarah Palin has fascist tendencies because I know nothing about Sarah Palin. Which says something else about the republican vice-presidential candidate. It says even more that today the McCain/Palin campaign proposed scraping the VP debate and delaying the Pres. debate.

    No American President can radically change our country as either party fears. Our systems of government are designed to prevent that. Whether it is the interminable debate and processes of federal bureaucracy. Or the divided debate of the Congress. No president will ever turn America into either a socialist or fascist state.

    What they can do is reflect and encourage the pendulum that is the gestalt opinion of the populace. Now the pendulum is swinging back away from corporate power towards more populist ideals. In a decade when regulations are seen as strangling economic growth, then pendulum will swing the other way.

    Be not sheep. Be not afraid. Think for yourself, and learn the lessons of history.
    Anonymous said...
    I haven't heard that McCain has proposed cancelling the VP debate, and since Palin has run for office before, at the state and local level, there is probably quite a bit of information out there about the policies and philosophies she has previously espoused. I too would like to know more about Sarah Palin -- I would also like to know more about Obama -- but I think it's absurd to suggest that she is a completely unknown quantity.

    Ben, I agree that our political insititutions make it difficult for any politician to turn the United States into a completely totalitarian country, but I think you overstate the case when you say it's impossible:

    No American President can radically change our country as either party fears. Our systems of government are designed to prevent that. Whether it is the interminable debate and processes of federal bureaucracy. Or the divided debate of the Congress. No president will ever turn America into either a socialist or fascist state.

    (Why "or"? Fascism was socialist. German fascism was led by the National Socialist Party, and their economic platform contained a lot of things that even modern Socialists would herald. The Fascists wanted to nationalize industry, and to nationalize a sector of the economy is to socialize it.)

    I think a proper study of history will lead any person to conclude, not that tyranny can't happen here, but that it can happen anywhere.

    The most salient point is that there have been and continue to be efforts to undermine precisely those systems of government that are designed to prevent radical changes.

    What do you think FDR's threat of court-packing was about?

    What do you think is driving the belief that we should treat the Constitution as a "living document"?

    Panic at the belief that tyranny could be easily achieved in this country is counter-productive, but so too is complacency at the notion that it can't be achieved at all.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Re, "most of
    Barack's ideas for change mirror socialist/communist ideals"

    Puh-lease. His ideas reflect American-liberal ideas. Good Lord. Leftists in the rest of the world, and here, actually, LAUGH at the very notion.

    And Christian socialists think his ideas aren't even a good start.

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