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May God have mercy on his soul... but he got what he deserved. As will we all in due course.

The irony is that Dr. George Tiller was murdered at his church. Imagine that! A man who so callously murdered viable children in the womb is himself murdered in the womb of earthly faith.

God have mercy on his soul, but it is my belief he is burning in hell as I speak...

Let's wait now and see if Obama has anything public to say about Dr. Tiller; how great a man he was, or some such. Let's see the cut of Obama's jib on this... we've seen it numerous times already but how about an encore?

I don't care how this post makes me look to anyone reading this. The man was a murderer... he lived by the sword, and died by the sword. Justice is served.

I feel pity for his family. I DO wish he had seen the evilness of his profession. I DO wish he had publicly repented and publicly sought other avenues to serve pregnant women thereby demonstrating his repentance. But he didn't. How can I know this? He was murdered in church. And no genuine Christian could, with clean and honest conscience, perform an abortion, let alone late-term and partial birth abortion. His faith was a sham. And he's paying for it right this minute.

The man who murdered Dr. Tiller is himself a murderer, and he is sadly mistaken if he thinks God approves of his actions. God does not approve. This man took away from Dr. Tiller any hope of ever seeing the truth, coming to repentance, and accepting Christ as his savior. Now Dr. Tiller is burning in hell. He deserves his punishment, but he was robbed of any opportunity to repent. Dr. Tiller's blood will be required at the hand his murderer.

I do not advocate murder. I do not trumpet joyfully at Dr. George Tiller's murder. That being said, I know some will nonetheless condemn me for this post, as would Shannyn Moore, of the Huffington Post who wrote the following:

Christian Fundamentalist Terrorism

"Christian Fundamentalist Terrorism. It's shocking to write. But it's time to start calling it what it is." "...The "war on terror" needs to include domestic terrorists."

Get ready Christians. You are about to see an increase in persecution of your faith in this country.


  1. Edwin Drood said...
    live by the sword. . .

    This man should have been tried by the justice system and put to death for his crimes. Its sad to only way to stop a monster like this man was vigilante justice.
    BenT - the Unbeliever said...
    Just so you know...

    "[Tiller] is one of the two doctors in the country that specializes in the very small percentage of abortions performed late in pregnancy (but before viability) done for health reasons, usually because the pregnancy is a danger to a woman's health or life, or because the fetus is dead or dying.... He's been shot in both arms, stalked by the attorney general's office under Phill Kline ... and charged with the crime of performing a bunch of illegal abortions, for which he was acquitted. The argument for attacking Tiller is that he performs late term abortions, which are supposedly worse than early term ones, even though anti-choicers claim that a fertilized egg is the same thing as a 5-year-old child, so that shows that their targeting of late term providers is cynical politicking on its face. But if you actually bother to look at why women get late term abortions, the targeting Dr. Tiller becomes even more horrifying. Generally speaking, you’re talking about women who really wanted to have a baby, but who can’t have this one, because something is wrong with her health or that of the fetus. Because of the sensitive nature of the situation, Dr. Tiller’s office offers a great deal of counseling services to their patients, who are often suffering trauma because of what’s happening to them. In addition to counseling, there are baptism and funerary services, as well as photographing and footprinting, for people who want to say goodbye to the baby that they expected to have but couldn’t. The levels of hate projected at Dr. Tiller are directly proportional to the levels of care he shows for women during this rough period of their lives. "This is everything I know now about the person George Tiller. Before this afternoon I knew nothing of the man. I do not understand how you can harbor such hate for another that you do not even personally know.

    May you never be judged by the standards by which you judge others.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    No. May you be judged PRECISELY by your own evil standards, EL. It requires no prayer, though, on my part. That is precisely what you can look forward to, you fake.
    Edwin Drood said...
    So I guess it would be insensitive to some of your readers to simply dismiss this shooting as a 207th trimester abortion.
    Anonymous said...
    ER's diplomas cloud his common sense. Just consider that he HAD a good upbringing until he discovered the world. mom2
    Mark said...
    A Black Muslim (probably recruited into Islam while serving time in prison)in Arkansas shot two soldiers, killing one, and Obama said and did nothing. Two hours later serial baby killer George Tiller is shot and killed by a homicidal maniac, and within the hour Obama denounces the killing and Rahm Emmanuel orders around the clock armed security at baby killing mills across the country.

    Where were the armed guards for recruitment centers? And where was the protection for Tillers 60,000 now deceased victims?

    I guess Obama shows where his priorities lie.
    Eric said...
    Indeed. According to some media heads this so-called Muslim felt justified because of all the harm Bush did our reputation abroad, via torture, and waterboarding, but Tiller was an innocent man.

    Only in a liberal's mindset and worldview can waterboarding be considered a heinous act of torture. But scraping the life of an eight or nine month old fetus out of its mother's womb is a constitutional right. This mindset-- the Liberal's mindset --is perverse.

    To top all this off, Pat Robertson this morning called Dr. George Tiller an innocent man. Why? Because he was unprepared and unable to protect himself from his assailant. By that same standard, every fetus in the womb is likewise innocent for the very same reason. Liberals balk at the death penalty for murders, but killing an innocent child is right and dandy.

    Murder is not to be condoned or lauded for any reason, but Tiller was anything but innocent. And liberals who champion abortion while calling criminal the act of waterboarding? Their minds and philosophies are diseased, though they will never see it as such and to argue with them is a waste of your time.

    [Note: I'm taking the liberty of reconciling the two versions of this post by pasting American Descent's version here in place of this blog's version.]
    Anonymous said...
    Very well said, EL.
    Feodor said...
    With this shallow and jaded declaration, much less exceedingly lazy, you are very disappointing.

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