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...thankful that all so many of you have left, and left me to my own reflections. I have neglected myself for far too long, and I think I'll enjoy getting to know myself again.

A lot has changed in the last year, but especially in the last six months. For the first time in my life I earn a living using my God given abilities. For now, I am where I should be. That talent is no longer buried in sand.

And for now, I am happy to be here.

So. How's about something new? Unfinished, but new. And yes, I'm still riding the "hegemony" train. There's more to do at the bottom... more things to add. Too bad you can't see what I see. Which reminds me of a bit of verse from the Alan Parson Project...

Where do we go from here
Now that all of the children have grown up?...

Find what significance you can in that, I'm not tellin'.

What does Harlequinus Hegemonyca mean? And where am I going with it?


  1. Anonymous said...
    I wish the best for you! I'm still roaming around reading sites, but not commenting much. I think we all have to stand firm in our beliefs and I have decided there is little use in debating those who choose not to believe the Bible. I fear only calamity or hard times will convince them. I'm happy to hear that you are content in your work. That is Biblical and something to be thankful for. mom2
    Dan Trabue said...
    I, too, am glad you're happy in your work.

    I wonder, why "Hegemony?"
    Eric said...
    It's an infinitesimally small measure of conceit, with perhaps a dash of hubris thrown in, suggesting that I, even I, Eric Lee Ashley, do lead the creative communities in all things Creative. Also, I guess you could say that the word represents the fact that my talents are not relegated to one field of artistic expression. I am multi-faceted artist, as I've described here.

    I first encountered the word some twenty-five years ago in the book Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. The words, Hegemon and Hegemony have been favorites of mine ever since. Also at the top of my list is the word Intaglio. I first encountered that word in Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy.

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