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One quote I find immensely intriguing.

"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."
— C.S. Lewis

There is so much riding on this statement-- implications, challenges, instructions. What does this statement say to you, and how does it change the way you think about yourself, if at all?


  1. Marshal Art said...
    What it means to me is that we should concern ourselves more with the spiritual, including how we will spend eternity.

    This also leads me to more firmly believe that most of what Jesus taught during His ministry (like 99%) was about the spiritual and not the things of this earth.
    Dan Trabue said...
    This also leads me to more firmly believe that most of what Jesus taught during His ministry (like 99%) was about the spiritual and not the things of this earth.


    "Do not worry about what you eat or drink..."

    "Do not build great barns to store your stuff..."

    "if someone strikes your left cheek, turn them the right one also..."

    "give us this day our daily bread, forgive us as we forgive those who sin against us..."

    "Blessed are you who are poor... Blessed are the peacemakers... blessed are you when you are persecuted..."

    "Woe to you who are rich..."

    "I have come to preach good news to the poor, liberty for the captive, healing for the sick..."

    Etc, etc, on and on.

    I don't believe you could support the notion that 99% of what Jesus taught was NOT about things of this earth. Perhaps you were engaging in vast hyperbole?

    Of course, maybe you're calling "spiritual" everything that Jesus taught - forgiveness, is that spiritual? Simple living, is that spiritual? Peaceful living, is that spiritual? Kingdom living, is that spiritual?

    For my thinking, it is both: Spiritual and dealing with real world every day life (ie, "the things of this earth.") I don't know that you can have one without the other. Regardless, I think it would be a mistake to literally spiritualize 99% of what Jesus taught, suggesting it does not have to do with daily living.
    KnotOnABlog said...
    I love C.S. Lewis, but I'm not sure I agree with that quote. I thought we were both body and soul (or would spirit be more accurate?). Without a body, we're a ghost. Without a soul/spirit, we're a corpse. The Bible (especially the NT) teaches that both will ultimately be transformed, doesn't it? Although there is a sense that the body is considered the less important of the two, in this world (e.g., in cases where one is forced to choose).

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