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You and every other American, past and present, who did not stand up for the only known source of goodness in our society-- namely; God.

Consider the thoughts of Dr. Michael Youseff...

It came as no surprise to me that, immediately after the shooting, the liberal media jumped on the bandwagon with accusations. Because the congresswoman was a Democrat, members of the press surmised that the shooting had to be an act of "right-wing extremist groups."

Why didn't they wait to comment until they had examined the psychological history of the young gunman? What about evidence of occult worship found in his home? Why was it okay to immediately and emotionally target a group of people without all of the facts?

There is something else they have overlooked. Those who are fighting so strongly to have God removed from our culture do not realize that when God is kicked out of public life, He will not be replaced with "nothing." Instead, Satan and his demons are hard at work and are waiting with baited breath for the vacuum created by God's name being evacuated from a society. The void that remains will not be empty; it will be occupied by Satan and his minions.

Attributed to Spinoza is the oft quoted phrase, "Nature abhors a vacuum." And, since nature is the product of a loving God, it must therefore be true that God Himself abhors a vacuum. I imagine God sees the vacuum as waste, whereas evil views it as an opportunity. What does that say about those who saw in the Arizona shooting an 'opportunity' to strike out at those they hate? Namely, all those who offer an alternative to Liberal ideology, and whom the Left deems a threat to their social agenda.

Dr. Youseff is correct; you cannot kick God out of education and the public square and expect nothing to fill the void. We are reaping what we've sown. Nothing more, nothing less.

Only an idiot points his finger at any one person-- Sarah Palin, for instance --for purely partisan reasons, to assign personal blame. This is the same mentality behind the Obama administration's steadfast refusal to appoint proper blame to radical Islam for the Fort Hood shooting, the Underwear Bomber, and the Time Square Bomber; all adherents to the religion of Islam.

This is the rub for many honest thinking Americans-- how can one group (specifically progressives) deflect blame for the religion of Islamic perpetrators of crime, despite overwhelming evidence against their faith, and yet blame anyone and everyone conservative without the slightest scintilla of evidence? How? Because the Left isn't interested in honest-to-goodness Truth. What they're interested in is ideology-- their own.

And it's an ideology void of God.

Want someone to blame? Take a good hard look at yourself. What have you done to defend rightness and goodness in your world? What did you do to defend God, and the right of everyone to freely worship and teach Him in public?

The reason so many people want God expunged from the public square is because they want to be able to do as they please without any fear of social guilt. If God is banished, who can tell them that what they choose to do, and how they choose to live, is wrong?

Jared Laughner is to blame. He pulled the trigger. If anyone else is to blame it is we who stood by and allowed the godless to strip us of our Constitutional right to freely worship the only true God... YHWH, Jehovah, Hashem, the LORD G-d Almighty, to whom each of us owes our very existence.

What was it Edmund Burke said?

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Stand up for God, and fight back against those who hate Him-- and PRAY! Nothing else can push back against the growing tide of violence.

After Thought:

I have to wonder if the Left, Media and Democrat Party included, has abandoned commonsense. Do they think they can win votes by abandoning sound, logical reasoning? Fomenting hatred toward their political foes is going to sweep them back into power, how? The unprecedented level of death threats against Sarah Palin since last Saturday's shooting helps their cause, how? It was right and good that Obama took the stance he did last night against apportioning blame unduly and unjustly. He should have said as much, publicly, days ago... his words appear to have sounded upon deaf ears among his base. And, I have to wonder, had he spoken out days ago, would it have made any difference?


  1. Marshal Art said...
    I did not listen to Obama's memorial remarks. I could not. What I've heard said about it has been both praise and scorn, all from right-leaning pundits.

    As to your main point, I agree and have said as much myself in past discussions, as regards what fills that void if God is removed, and why so many feel comfortable with Him gone.

    And the consequences are indeed the result of WE THE PEOPLE, both those who seek to force Him out and the rest of us who didn't fight more forcefully to allow His presence in the public square.

    Yet none of this matters when the mentally disturbed get going. It's a fallen, corrupt world. There will always be tragedy that cannot be foreseen or prevented. There is no action we can take on that score.

    But how we respond is well within our control and duty. The left has shown how not to respond. Unfortunately, I'm not sure the right has shown how we ought.
    BenT - the unbeliever said...
    That may be your belief, but I respectfully disagree.

    Today's Christian faith especially the evangelical version popular in America was not the dominant faith for many governments. Those countries grew and shrunk because of their own circumstances, not some omnipotent outside force.

    The same is true with the United States. We grow and regress based on our own societal choices. Today's sex saturated culture isn't because of malign outside influences. It's roots can be traced back to the population explosion of the fifties and the freedoms afforded by the sixties.

    The idyllic image of those decades embedded in our minds by shows like "Leave it to Beaver" were not the reality. In many parts of the country where urban development did not provide the seeds for the new American suburban dream, there was wrenching poverty. Communities where education was still a one room school house and children dropped-out at fifteen for farm work. Families that hunted, fished or farmed for a large portion of their food.

    It is an unfounded simplification that what you see as deficiencies in popular culture, society or politics is due to the decline of public Christian displays.
    Eric said...
    It is not simply a decline in Christian displays to which I refer. Also absent from is the teaching of the bible in schools.

    The problem with American society is we expect our children to reach maturity with a firm moral underpinning without giving them the foundation from which such moral underpinning come.
    BenT - the unbeliever said...
    So Japan has no moral underpinning?

    Or in fact most of the world where religion comes in flavors other than Christian.

    Most other first world countries abstain from teaching religion in school, and at the same time they have fewer murders. How do you explain this?

    I'm not opposed to classes on ethics and morality in public schools, but spirituality should be an area of personal inquiry not an educational requirement.
    Mark said...
    Of course Bent disagrees. That's because he is a heathen. He thinks He will have fun in Hell 'cause so many of his friends will be there with him, but that isn't real Hell. Hell is separation from God. He will be utterly alone for all eternity. I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy.
    Eric said...
    In the spirit of 'toning down the rhetoric' ...

    Technically, 'heathen' is a valid term, but is it proper... more flies with honey and all that?

    And I can't attest to the statement that Ben thinks hell will be fun; we've had some discussions on this topic before, and while he appears to have rejecting biblical Christianity, I can't imagine him ever thinking hell would be a fun place to go.

    I, personally, haven't given up on Ben. I need to work on myself a bit before he'll listen to me; chances are he may never listen to me. But I believe there's someone out there to whom he WILL listen. And that's what I pray for. I think heaven would be enriched and a lot more fun if Ben were there.
    Eric said...
    [Caution: typo alert above]
    Anonymous said...
    I am old enough to have seen the progression of a Godless society. I can attest to a day when hymns were sung, the pledge was recited and discipline was a part of our school day. In that day, God was honored,parents respected and school children seldom even had their tussles; even if they did they were probably best friends again before school let out. Never heard of anyone being shot. Premarital pregnancies were rare and the drinking of alcohol was not a social must.
    I have watched the denial by liberals or progressives (whatever they like to call themselves) that there has been this gradual removal of God from our schools and for however long it continues, there will be no return to normal sanity and safety. We can believe in God or deny Him, but God is God and He still reigns. His Word is truth and His will, will be done according to the prophecies of the ages. mom2
    Eric said...

    No one's saying there weren't unwed mothers, drug abuse, or violence, or even murder and adultery when God was welcome in the classroom and public square; the human condition guarantees these things. What we ARE saying is, without the influence of God on our private lives, in our schools and, as a result, within our society, we have now what we have... violence and bloodshed abound, teen pregnancies, albeit declining, have skyrocketed, and abortion is tallied in the millions each year, and lunatics (and yes, children) believe the answer to their own problems is to take a gun and kill not only themselves, but as many other people as they can before blasting themselves into eternity, unprepared to meet God.

    To say that a return to biblical principles by a larger portion of our society and government would not eventually result in a society free of evil, is missing the point. Were society and government to return to biblical principles there would be LESS of the daily evils we are now seeing. And don't think that everything would be coming up roses overnight; it took several generations of school children to get us where we are, and it'd take as much if not more to push back today's evil tide of murder, suicide, and depravity. It would have to start with kindergartners, elementary school, and high school children. It would have to continue through college; that is to say, there would need to be much less hostility toward those who believe in God, and God Himself, and I don't honestly see that happening anytime soon, if ever.

    That alone wouldn't do it, however. Our government would have to begin acknowledging the God our founding documents reference. Our governments; local, state and federal, would themselves have to have a change of heart... society as a whole would have to have a change of heart. And history is not particularly replete with such examples.


    Should the book of Revelation be fulfilled literally, in our time, because of man's sin and wholesale rejection of God, picture this ending, and consider the ground you stand upon...

    The world is decimated. Mankind is reduced to one-quarter is former number. And all those who survive may think, 'whew! I made it through the tribulation. Now everything is going to be wonderful!'

    But wonderful for who? No one who does not have Christ as his or her savior will enter into that time of peace and rest. They'll be going to the other place. Survival is not a guarantee of anything. Only the blood of Christ offers any hope or guarantee.
    BenT - the unbeliever said...
    The term I prefer is unbeliever. See it's there in my handle. But of course all this personal speculation and accusation is because ya'll can't reply to my on-topic response.

    How do you square that lots of other first-world nations don't have the same problems as America, even though they don't/have never promoted Christianity in the public space?

    And in fact further if modern Christians wanted to enforce some sort of moral code on modern media and culture how would you do that without putting the lie to conservative political ideals. Regulating music lyrics and censoring television shows would require a big new government bureaucracy. Combating violence and drugs, immorality is perhaps an unsolvable problem (At least the War on Drugs so far is a miserable failure). You can't have public moral control and a small government at the same time.

    My personal idea is that we reinstate licensing fees for television and electronic equipment, and those monies be distributed to TV, cable, movie and radio stations based on viewership. The drive to attract viewers to increase advertising sales is to my mind one of the driving factors of the coarsening of mass media. But that raises conservative issues of taxation and government control.
    Anonymous said...
    Ben-T, What are your thoughts concerning the comparison of our country and other countries in regard to living standards. We have been the most blessed country in the world, but it's coming to a place of more people hurting financially than for many years. What if you are wrong about your unbelief and things continue to get worse. Where do you suggest we turn when we can not turn to God and you surely can tell by now that the government has no answers. God is good and He rewards obedience, but we have to be willing. mom2

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