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Take a quick read of Psalm 114. I'll wait...

There are many people, in many Christian circles who will tell you that God doesn't send storms or earthquakes to judge people, cities, or nations. Trouble with this point of view is a whole host of Old and New Testament examples of just that. So what are we to make of last month's earthquakes- two on the same day? Add to that question the strafing of the east coast by hurricane Irene? The extreme drought condition in Texas, and the fires that now burn there? California always seems to be burning... Coincidence?Is that what all this is?

A question has been nagging me for the last several years; a question I've tried very hard to ignore. Truth is, I didn't want to think about it, let alone write about it, or put in the inevitable toll of hours in research the question will involve-- I say 'will' because I've only just begun to dig into that research, and the writing will take more time than this one post. Quite honestly, I don't know if I'm writing a book or if I'm just answering a simple question with a rather longish answer.

Without belaboring the issue here's the question that's been hounding me for the last three or more years:

How much will it take-- how sinful must this world become --before God steps in and says 'enough is enough'?

While I've been to several other countries in my life all of them were when I was considerably younger, so I'm not going to try and over analyze the cultures of other countries, but stick primarily to this country, the United States of America.


  1. BenT - the unbeliever said...
    I hate Jersey Shore as much as anyone, seems a bit of cherry picking to say the floods in New Jersey and the earthquake in North Carolina are divine punishment.

    I mean what did North Carolina do to deserve judgement?

    Or let's turn it around and ask why not the middle east or other areas of the world that are non-christian?

    There actually seem to be very few tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, or plagues in Iran. Perhaps your god likes Muslims?
    Eric said...
    Iran: Earthquakes

    Jun 15, 2011 - 2 fatalities
    Dec 20, 2010 - 11 fatalities
    Aug 27, 2010 - 19 fatalities
    Sep 10, 2008 - 7 fatalities
    Mar 31, 2006 - 70 fatalities
    Nov 27, 2005 - 13 fatalities
    Feb 22, 2005 - >602 Fatalities
    Mar 28, 2004 - >35 fatalities
    Dec 26, 2003 - >30,000 fatalities
    Jun 22, 2002 - 262 fatalities

    For a grand total of at least: 31,021 fatalities

    And this number is by earthquakes alone.

    How many people died in the US from June of 2002 to today by storm or earthquake?

    2 by Earthquake: CA Dec 22, 2003
    965 by Tornado: 2002 - present
    2237 by Hurricane: 2002 - 2010 (NOT ALL OF WHICH WE IN THE U.S.- Hurricanes strike other place before they hit the U.S.)


    Grand GRAND total: 3204 total by earthquake, tornado, hurricane.

    I didn't bother to check how many people died by storm or tornado in Iran, but I'm quite sure there were some.

    And let's not forget the Tsunami of a few years back which has killed more than 200,000 people?


    God likes Muslims? I know He loves them; desires to see them come to Him for the forgiveness of their sin through Jesus Christ His only begotten... the ONLY way to Heaven.

    But it would seem He is less wroth with the U.S. present... than He is with Iran-- judging strictly by numbers.

    There is plenty North Carolina did to deserve judgment... there is plenty the entire country has done to deserve judgment. Naturally, you don't see that. But there it is nonetheless.

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