Labels: Science Fiction
The world is changing so much and so fast. If you don't see it, there's a good chance you don't understand the significance of what you're NOT seeing. And it's a fair assumption you're not prepared for what's coming... for WHO is coming. It's not Sidney Poitier (if you even get the allusion) but the social mores are eerily similar. Educate yourself. Except the MAN WHO IS coming for dinner. HE's your only hope.
It's the name that drew me in - Mia Wasikowska. That, and the film's title: Stoker; as in Bram Stoker. And despite the film's undeclared namesake and any allusions to what such a name brings to mind, this film was not horror in the usual sense. Psychological yes, but not horror. We can thank Ridley Scott for this. Were a lesser producer involved we would have gotten all that. What makes this a good film has nothing to do with the virtue or lack thereof of any character. Clues are scattered throughout the film which come to semblance of fruition at the end... you'll still have questions, but expect them to go unanswered.
All in all, Stoker is decidedly clean, considering.
Final note... Everything you see in the photo is there for a reason.
Is there anything funnier than politicians hypocritically walking out of a session because they're worried about voting rights? Who cares if the state has "blue" laws!?
This short video does a tremendous job of demonstrating the accuracy of scripture. But when I hear arguments like this I also hear untold hundreds (if not thousands) mocking the veracity of hard-boiled evidence, like the Mexican authorities from the film "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" ... 'Badges!? We don't need no stinkin' badges!' And it's true, they don't. They have already made up their minds.
The link:
Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for March 29 2021
Show Highlights:
- Ok, best show in weeks. Must listen.
- Ted goes into detail on bio-electric fields and how they control us.
- 2 Corinthians 4:4.
- Be careful who you associate with.
- What is frequency resonance?
- Is Merkel being mind controlled?
- Austin discusses Niki and arrested judge.
- Thousands dead, hundreds of thousands injured.
- Plus much more.
- This is a politically incorrect truth barrage.
Labels: Eye Salve, Podcasr, Ted&Austin
"Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the Truth."
"A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say, ‘But I was told by others to do this,’ or ‘that virtue was not convenient at the time.’ This will not suffice. Remember that.”
"The answers are so simple, and we all know where to look. But it's easier just to avoid the question" ~ 'On the Other Side," Kansas, Monolith.
"But I was told to do this ... that was not convenient at the time"
Each of us will give an account for what we do in our bodies... everything: every sin, every time we mocked Jesus, every time we praised Him. Even those times we tried to pull others off the narrow path that leads to life everlasting and onto the path that leads to destruction. Everything.
Were it only a matter of doing what's right... well, who's judging us? Shouldn't we be more concerned about what HE thinks is right and wrong? rather than our own perceptions?
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
~ Proverb 16:25
I know full well that I am not perfect. NO sir! I get things wrong every hour by hour. But I have an advocate awaiting me in the courtroom. The sentence is sure... I WILL be condemned... were it not for Jesus, my lawyer.
"...we [are] indeed justly [condemned]; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this [Jesus] hath done nothing amiss! Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
That's all it took to be saved. 1) He accepted that he had sinned; 2) He recognized his need of a savior; 3) He recognized Jesus as that savior; and 4) He asked to be remembered [by Jesus] in that day. The 15th Chapter of 1 Corinthians, verses 1-4, puts it this way:
"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures; And that HE WAS BURIED, and that he ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY according to the scriptures..."
That's all you have to believe. Did the Thief on the cross next to Jesus DO anything other than believe? What could he do nailed to the cross next door? Yet other's, like the pharisees of our day, will surely say,
"Yes, that's all you have to do, but... you also need to believe this... don't do any work on Sunday... don't eat meat... do this and don't do that... read this... believe this new doctrine... Oi! And for heaven's sake! Stay away from them!
Did Jesus do any of those things? Why do you think He was crucified by the religious leaders of the day? They were more concerned with tradition, Moses and the Law and all their silly, onerous rules, which Jesus did not keep. Nor did He teach them to the people. What He did do was call them hypocrites when their hypocrisy showed, and honestly tried to make them see their error. He didn't hate them, He wanted to make them see HE was the reason for everything... NOT Moses. He was the 'reason for the season,' so to speak.
That is all I want you to see here. It's not what a certain preacher on TBN says. It's not what your friend at work says. It's not even what I say. It's what the Bible says. And the Bible says you're fast running out of time to make a choice. I genuinely hope you make the right choice. And I genuinely hope to see you There.
For the record, that choice MUST be Jesus. He is your only hope.
This is not the kind of movie I typically watch, I'm usually neck deep in scifi and the weird. So Aloha is quite a departure for me., but the film is weird in one way... it purport to be one thing, a romantic comedy, but6 it actually is something completely different. Oh, it has romance it, but again that's not what it is, because Aloha is about a man discovering he has a daughter, and what makes this apparent is the love the director took in sculpting the final, before credits, scene...
She is one of several students, of differing ages, attending a hula class, in Hawaii. It's evening, and a man walks up to a plate glass window to watch. He is smiling; not the kind of smile that says I'm happy to see you, but a smile that is filled with joy, and hope, and he's watching these ladies, young and old alike, move with a unison of grace in the dance; all hands and gestures, and symbolism. She sees him and smiles (she would smile because she knows he has visited with her family and has accepted him as a friend of the family). She continues to dance with a wonder in her expression which says why are you here? She seems to ask... and he replies with a nodding assent, yes, I am your father. She continues to dance, thinking, while over her face comes this joyous look, which become tears, and outright sobbing. She leaves the group with a rush and goes out into the night. she embraces him , a moment later she enters the studio and finishes the dance. The last scene, as they pan in closer, is of her hands bobbing and rolling in a fluid, ocean-like dance.
This, to me, was the sole reason for Aloha. Everything was leading to this. One beautiful scene
A beautiful moment.
And the music was superbly chosen.
I hate the IRS. I'd like to think it a necessary evil, but I can't reconcile the word 'necessary' with the word 'evil'; they simply push against my sensibilities like two magnetic norths. It's repellant to me that our tax code is so complex that I am forced to pay someone, or some service to do my taxes for me. You'd think that the local IRS office would be in the business of helping people file their taxes, but their idea of help doesn't wander any further than the answering of ill-informed questions... how does one ask the right questions without a basic grasp of American tax code? Nancy Pelosi couldn't even tell us what was in the Obamacare bill without it first being passed into law, and we all see how that has turned out.
So it's a scheme. The IRS forces everyone to pay taxes, but it takes no responsibility for educating or guiding anyone through the actually process of filing. Which has become typical of modern American governance.
If He Believes It, It Must Be So | The Weekly Standard
Obama continues to be the worst president in recent U.S. history. His desire, seemingly, is to destroy as much of this nation for his own self aggrandizement in the eyes of his very small, proudly radical, coterie of social anarchists.
I'd like to think America can survive the Obama presidency, but I fear America is already dead... we're just waiting for the last nervous tremor to subside.