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1 -There is a God. He cares, & can be taken at His word. He never lies
2 -There is such a thing as absolute truth
3 -There is no truth in ambiguity, for Truth is immutable
4 -God hears, and listens to every word you say
5 -Light is the presence of color, Darkness is the absence of color
6 -God is the author of Science, Science points to God
7 -There is a purpose to each and every living soul that does not
     necessarily include a long and happy life
8 -We are born to love, and worship God
9 -In addition, we are born to discover our gifts, find our purpose,
     fulfill it, and move on when He wills it.
10 -Everything said or done has motive, be it good or ill
11  -Satan is not God’s opposite
12 -Good is stronger than Evil
13 -Few people have my best interest at heart
14 -Every sin committed under heaven is born of selfishness
15 -Not all selfishness is sin
16 -Age does not infer wisdom
17 -Philosophy is vain if it’s predicated on anything other
       than truth
18 -We are eternal. We do not cease to exist when our eyes close
        in death
19 -There is a choice to be made in this life that directly
        impacts the next
20 -Perfection is impossible to achieve, but the pursuit of
        it is not without merit
21 -Man made governments, and the politics that drive them,
        like all things, fail in time
22 -Nothing man builds in this world will endure.
        All things must pass
23 -Without mutual love, concern, and respect, friendship
        cannot flourish
24 -Everyone dies alone
25 -We are responsible for ourselves. If we fail, or do not
        achieve, it is we who are to blame


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