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"How the Left Harmed America This Week"
--by Dennis Prager
   October 11, 2005

The primary focus of this article is the ruling by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, which releases for public consumption, "all remaining photos of prisoner abuse by Americans at Abu Ghraib prison." No good can come of this decision, but then this Clinton appointee isn't interested in what's good for America.

"Thanks to this decision by one judge, we are in for another orgy of anti-Americanism in the foreign and domestic news media and another propaganda victory for those who murder people trying to vote, place bombs in tourist hotels and slaughter innocent human beings like sheep."
"That Americans will be killed as a result of a judge's decision to release photos is of no consequence to the Left. Indeed, for the ACLU, release of the photos is a victory precisely because it does weaken American ability to fight Islamic terrorists."

"...this was just another week of harm to a great civilization by barbarians inside the gates."


  1. Anonymous said...
    "Of course, national security and the safety and integrity of our soldiers, military and intelligence operations are not to be compromised, but is our nation better preserved by trying to squelch relevant documents that otherwise would be produced for fear of retaliation by an enemy that needs no pretext to

    That's a quote by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein. By looking at who keeps throwing up a constant stream of fear-based reasoning we see which people are strong enough to continue to be true Americans. Nixon would have held his tapes and letters private forever using the excuse of giving strength to the nation's enemies. But, it was through the light of public scrutiny being thrown on those elements that America was made stronger. The same statement could be applied to all other recent scandals.
    Anonymous said...
    America was made stronger by the Nixon scandal? Yes, I said scandal.

    We will have to agree to disagree.

    I will say this though: Why should I play the devils advocate on any issue when I have you? You are the perfect foil! "Why," You ask? Because an honest man can't play chess with himself. You keep me sharp, and honest. And I owe you a debt of thanks for it.

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